Online Degrees:


Giving to the University








Donating Makes a Difference!


  About the University
  Academic Programs
  Giving to UANT
  Art and Museums
  Library and Media
  Academic Journals
  Astro Observatory
  Student Life
  Diversity Office
  Study Abroad
  International Relations
  Alma Mater



Like any institution, UANT welcomes donations from alumni and members of the general public. Your annual investment to the University of Antarctica provides vital funding to the college or unit of your choice. It gives UANT the competitive advantage to maintain the margin of excellence it does today and remain a worldwide leader in online and brick and mortar research. Your investment will cause countless scientific discoveries and medical breakthroughs to take place (see Research). It will sponsor beautiful works of art and literature (see Museum), aid performance art, and fund the future of the Antarctic Nation. Since Antarctican currency is rarely used off of the continent, pay a visit to one of our patrons on the UANT website to find out more about online degrees or other valuable offers:


See: Investing in the university

See: Current top investors

See: Antarctica's Sovereign Wealth Fund