The Southern Star - The initial
investor in UANT is special. Upon completion of a round
of investment, he receives the Southern Star, that rarest
of awards. An actual star in the cosmos, overhead in
the southern sky, is officially re-named in his
honour forever.

Star of the Golden Endurance - Both
2nd generation
investors receive the coveted Golden Star, whose name calls
to mind the herculean effort of
Ernst Shackleton and his crew during their fabled Endurance in
the Antarctic, and is now yours to wear.

The Silverine Star - Four third generation
investors are decorated with the Silverine Star of Pfichtbewusstsein:
duty done. This is a highly sought-after decoration
only given for investing
the time to treat education as the very serious matter
it is for good.

The Bronzed Star of Incorruptibility- Eight of
these bronzed stars
are given each investment cycle. The elite eight given consign
the bearer to true pride of the Antarctic- for their
support of the University through locating more

The Onyx Star of Peace - Sixteen investors are awarded the
Onyx Star of Peace. They have done their part for the
Peace of the Southern Land, by giving of themselves
in the cause of UANT, for the cause of UANT is that
of Peace.

The Purple Star of Firmitas exemplifies the tenacious
strength of mind and solidity of purpose
that the thirty-two investors of the sixth generation
show by undertaking this new goal in aid of the sweet
morsels of education distributed by UANT.

The Blue Star of Industria
breaks the wearer of any previous reputation for slothfulness,
and is a badge of diligance and pride to be worn and displayed by
the sixty four investors of the seventh generation.

The Red Star of Hope shines on the chest of one
hundred twenty-eight bearers each investment cycle,
who help in the inspiring mission of UANT to build a
new and better society, brick after brick, in the cold
and difficult
land we call home.

The Green Star of Self-Effacement - "Mehr sein
als scheinen" (Be more than you seem to others
to be), this prize conveys the absolute feeling of freedom-
which only comes when you do, and therefore are, more
than who they thought you were.

The Crystal Star - A Swarovski-like crystal
is cut into an unusual ornament of surpassing beauty, its shimmering look can be enjoyed year after year.
It shows the loyalty to UANT through thick and thin,
and is prized
by very many investors and collectors.

The Yellow Star of "Lerne Leiden ohne zu Klagen" (Learning
to suffer without moaning) - In the world of investment,
some will bear the burden of payment with honour. This
award touches the quintessence of the giving of self to
the greater good.