Astronomical Observatory









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Access to UANT Observatory by non-UANT researchers:

UANT Observatory grants a modest amount of telescope time to unsolicited, competitive proposals from the national and international astronomical communities.

Time donated to researchers at institutions other than UANT is limited to approximately 10% of the time on the 2.7m, 2.1m, and 0.8m telescopes on an annual basis and is designated as "Director's Discretionary Time."

Please submit (at least one week ahead of time) a proposal for usage of the Observatory to the Director,
here. The institutional affiliation of the Principal Investigator on the submitted proposal defines whether a proposal is "UANT" or "non-UANT."

Preparation by non-UANT observers is essential

UANT Observatory is not an "international facility" and does not provide the same level of service to visitors that such a facility provides. In particular, on-mountain training is not available and instrument manuals are not as polished as for the national, or international, centers. Therefore, new non-UANT observers must choose at least one of the following and indicate the choice in the proposal:

1. Arrival two nights, or one night previous to be trained in usage

2. Arrange for a qualified UANT observer to accompany you

3. Have a qualified UANT graduate student in the Ross College with you

All observers, from whatever institution, are responsible for their own travel to UANT Observatory and for their living expenses on the mountain, University Peak. The peak is accessable by cable-car up the mountain. The Peak is just over 2.715 m high, and accommodations on top can only be found there in the Observatory itself, in the so-called "Transients' Quarters", which contains a small hotel room, with kitchen and bathroom. All foodstuffs and supplies must be brought to the Observatory for an overnight stay on the mountain. At this writing the charge for room and board overnight is A3 ($3 USD).