Henryk Arctowski College of Education








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EDU 100 Intro to Education

The school in its broader social context, families, communities and the school, social problems, trends and school policies. Multiple literacies.


EDU 103 History of Education

Economic effects of education. Education and social IQ. Legacies of reform movements, ideals and institutions.


EDU 104 Education and Development

Comparative look at educational systems in occident and orient. The State in education, education and national development, colonial heritage, globalization and educational development.


EDU 201 Psychology of Education

Social construction and maintenance of inequality. Political, economic and social consequences for individuals and groups. Box of constraints. Motives in learning, the role of diversity and other factors in educational attainment. Learning and development across the lifespan.


EDU 105 Intercultural Education

Intercultural education as a method of conflict prevention. Multicultural vs. traditional educational outlook.


EDU 202 Philosophy of the University

Historical development of university values and tradition, benefit of individual university admissions tests.


EDU 203 Education in Crisis

The post- 1960s degradation of traditional education, causes, problems, what arose in its place, current status, Big Education as promotor of gridlock, culture war, the road ahead.


EDU 205 Elementary Education

Centrality of reading, effectiveness of varous approaches, classics of childrens' literature, integrated science (life, earth and physical) for elementary schools. Children's developmental psychology.


EDU 207 Secondary Education

Standardized testing, teenage developmental psychology


EDU 209 Educational Administration

Building a learning organization, western, eastern and qAUum models of organization, strategies and skills for increasing human capacity, evolution of cooperation.


EDU 211 Leadership

Interpersonal dimensions of leadership, school leader as reflective practitioner and effective communicator.


EDU 404 The Triad: Education for Conquest

The history-culture-space studies triad, the need for a coherent vision for young people. The unity of subject matter. Education for Conquest.


EDU 301 Education for the 21st Century

Concept of a Learning Society, role of technology as improving learner's reach, limits of technology,