Richard Evelyn Byrd College of Business










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BIZ 100 Intro to Business

A required course for all students in the College of Business, course outlines the basic concepts and frameworks inherent in interactions, transactions and market economics.


BIZ 201 U.S. Business and Economic History

How did the modern system come about? The history of business documents the rise and fall and rise of market forces. Evolution of American economy from the colonial period until today. Relationship between labour and industry and government.


BIZ 203 Principles of Business

A series of classes on the basic business principles.


BIZ 205 Accounting

Record keeping


BIZ 207 Finance

Fiscal responsibility


BIZ 209 Management

Managing small busnesses, managing personal time and money. Industrial and organizational psychology, leader behavior, worker behavior


BIZ 211 Hospitality Business

Nature of hospitality, profit gained from being nice


BIZ 213 Restaurant Management

Filling orders, making food, overseeing workers


BIZ 215 Fast Food Restaurant Operations

The operating interaction between manager, shift managers and workers in fast food restaurants is examined, along with the philosophical underpinnings of authority relationships.


BIZ 217 Tourism

The tourist industry, travel agencies, advertising locations, cultural, physical and biotic factors enhancing certain places over others. Tourism and regional development. Examples from Antarctica, the USA and other nations.


BIZ 221 Marketing

Advertising products, selling anything


BIZ 223 Journalism

Writing faithfully what you see, structure of news stories

