



 "A UANT Action Committee dedicated to preserving our land and heritage"


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Antarctica is losing territory


"The most tragic aspect of life on Antarctica today is our continual loss of territory to the sea," laments Knut Asgard, professor of history and astronomy. "That is why I began to chair this committee, in order to help stop this dreadful problem."



Click the Picture or (here) for the most recent territorial loss along the eastern shelves

Prof. R. R. Shepard III, voted two years ago as UANT's student-favourite, reminds us why this is not only an environmental tragedy: "In no other place on Earth, not even Greenland, does global warming affect territory and real estate as it does here. We lose hundreds of square miles/year to erosion and ice-breaking, which eats away at our homes and land. From an economic standpoint, it means the owners of coastal properties, generally the most sought-after as investments, find themselves out of house and home when a 'big one' (ice-breaking) occurs."

This home faces an uncertain future due to territorial loss

This has been very bad for speculation, one of the biggest drivers of the real estate market in the McMurdo-University Peak corridor, and has indirectly affected everyone."

The Territorial Loss Committee meets Tuesdays at 15:00 in Lason Hall rm. 202.