UANT Study


Abroad Office




  Study Abroad in Oceania!





UANT overseas study programs feature CV building and career enhancing experiences that our students carry with them for a lifetime. In Australia and Oceania, many institutions cooperate with our Study Abroad office, as UANT reciprocates by opening itself to students from the foreign university.

  About the University
  Academic Programs
  Giving to UANT
  Art and Museums
  Library and Media
  Academic Journals
  Astro Observatory
  Student Life
  Diversity Office
  Study Abroad
  International Relations
  Alma Mater




Find AU Recommended Overseas Studies Programs at:


University of New South Wales, Australia (here)


Australian National University, Australia (here)


University of Canterbury, New Zealand (here)


University of Otago, New Zealand (here)


Victoria University, New Zealand (here)


University of Tasmania (here)