the Tamm's Textbook Tools series:

World History (buy)
workbook for Traditions and Encounters
by Jerry Bentley and Herbert Ziegler,
5th ed.

workbook for Myers' Psychology for AP
by David Myers, 1st ed.

workbook for Myers' Psychology for AP
by David Myers, 2nd ed.

workbook for Sociology: A Down to Earth
Approach by James Henslin, 11th ed.

reading for college history courses: Universal
History and the Telos of Human Progress
by David Tamm, 2nd ed.

1. Introduction / 13
Meaning in history.
2. Universal History / 15
What constitutes a
universal history book? Two types identified.
3. The Concept of Time / 18
Where did ‘time’ come
from? Astronomical and cultural sources.
4. The Idea of Progress / 21
Do human beings really
build up society up over time?
5. The Beginnings of Universal History Writing / 23
What are the oldest
books dedicated to the whole human story?
6. Progress versus Maintenance through Time
/ 24
Does civilization progress
to an ever-higher plane; or rise and fall?
7. The Bible
tells Universal History / 25
What does the Bible say
about human progress and its direction?
8. The
Wellsprings of Greco-Roman Universal History / 27
Hesiod describes a
mythological Age of Gold.
9. The Greek Idea
of Progress / 29
The lesson of Prometheus
driving cultural progress ever higher.
10. Greek Universal History / 31
Herodotus stores
knowledge outside of his head.
11. Other Ancient Universal Histories / 35
Ephorus, Polybius,
Diodorus and Sima Qian write lost histories.
12. Roman Periodizations / 38
Did the pagan Romans
think of the big picture as progressive?
13. The Roman Idea
of Progress / 39
Lucretius develops a
theory of continual change and progression.
14. Roman Universal History / 41
Livy, Tacitus and Seneca
write histories and tell us why they did.
15. Christian Universal History / 43
Eusebius and Augustine
develop the Christian theory of history.
16. The Christian Idea of Progress / 46
They see progress as
motion toward the Kingdom of Heaven.
17. Early Medieval Chronicles / 51
Orosius, Bede and
Gregory illuminate the Dark Ages.
18. Late Medieval Chronicles / 56
Gothic era historians
like Enikel, Froissart and Khaldun produce.
19. The
Plentitude of Progress / 61
The stunning idea that
all that ever can be is already within us.
20. The Renaissance Idea of Progress / 63
A return to cycles in
the age of Sabellicus and Machiavelli.
21. Progress through Exploration / 66
Joachim de Fiore’s
mystic vision and that of Columbus.
22. Universal
History Unreformed / 67
A battle for history
between Catholics and Protestants.
23. The Scientific Idea of Progress / 69
Bacon exercises ‘False
Idols of the Mind’, Bodin links theories.
24. Broadening
Horizons / 73
Raleigh & Heylyn observe
the Old and New Worlds collide.
25. Pilgrims’
Progress / 83
The American vision was
built on puritanical social evolution.
26. Twilight and
Dawn / 85
Bossuet writes in the
netherworld between medieval and modern.
27. Symbolic
Strangers / 89
Culture shock comes with
the realization that many cultures exist.
28. Ancients
Versus Moderns / 91
Is human nature static
or malleable?
29. Scientific Philosophers Barge into Universal History
/ 92
Spinoza, Leibniz and
Vico’s insights on the Great Chain of
30. The English
Universal History (Ancient Part) / 95
The largest (and largely
unknown) history project of all time.
31. The English
Universal History (Modern Part) / 104
The project expands into
64 volumes of mercantilism-as-progress.
32. Primary Source Logistics / 111
Tobias Smollett on how
the Universal History was assembled.
33. Voltaire’s
Philosophy of History / 117
Most people don’t know Voltaire
wrote a world history book.
34. Voltaire’s Idea of Progress / 120
He sees civilization as
building upon itself by developing the mind.
35. Voltaire’s Audience 123
The woman he wrote for,
and her verdict.
36. Voltaire Judges History / 125
The Enlightenment
penchant for equality means judging others.
37. The Enlightenment Idea of Progress /
The modernist project
begins; Tennyson’s poem encapsulates it.
38. The Economic Idea of Progress / 129
Turgot gives the
modernist project an economic dimension.
39. The American Idea of Progress / 134
Jefferson discusses
progress as building a new civilization.
40. The Champion
of Progress
/ 138
Condorcet glows about
the future yet is arrested by radicals.
41. The Goals of Progress Diverge / 144
Enlightenment liberality
or Rousseauian neo-primitivism?
42. Romantic
History /
Herder defines a people
as a unique group with their own goals.
43. Kant Hypothesizes a Universal History / 150
Kant asks if humanity
has an underlying unity or if it does not.
44. The
Universal Historical Novel / 163
Walter Scott agrees each
people has a unique character.
45. Popular Historical Education / 168
Millot writes a national
world history textbook for France.
46. From Dano-Norway back to France / 173
Anquetil adapts works into
French, Holberg writes one in Latin.
47. The EUH
Distilled Again /181
Mavor reworks it to be
more approachable.
48. Professional Universal History / 187
A German university
specializes in history’s codification.
49. Lost and
Found in Translation / 192
Translation dilemmas
open a series of questions in the genre.
50. Gottingen Produces Universal History /
Muller builds on Schlozer
to construct a ‘professional’ work.
51. New
Historical Methods / 203
Ranke and followers
formulate how to best conduct research.
52. Engineering Progress / 209
alternative method of doing republican government.
53. Sociological Bases / 211
What did Comte’s new
branch of study say about social progress?
54. National
Universal History / 213
Fichte discovers the
metaphysical basis and purpose of the nation.
55. Universal
History’s Motion / 215
Hegel’s titanic
formulation synthesizes Geist, the
engine of history.
56. Historical Materialism / 221
Marx’ reformulation determines
material forces drive history.
57. Biological
Universal History / 227
argues even biology progresses-
by evolving new forms.
58. Universal Geography / 229
Humboldt explains why
people must know the big picture.
59. History Advances in Germany / 236
Rotteck develops a
liberal work in a monarchist principality.
60. The Capital of History / 242
Weber writes; Ploetz compiles
a totally chronological style.
61. The
Allgemeine Weltgeschichte / 244
A coalition of professors
complete a huge universal history project.
62. Early-19th Century Anglo-Americans / 250
Lardner, Robbins and
others begin a golden era of history writing.
63. A Woman
Writes the Story of Man
/ 256
Pioneer educator Emma Willard
writes for college women.
64. Mid-19th Century Anglo-Americans / 261
Goodrich and Maunder in
the ides of the Industrial Age.
65. History and
Manifest Destiny / 272
Duyckinck writes for a
young America and inspires Melville.
66. Late-19th
Century Textbooks / 276
Swinton, Myers and
others write popular schoolbooks.
67. Publishing
House History / 281
Ollier and Robinson are
hired to write by learned organizations.
68. The Titans
/ 283
Ridpath, Clare and Tyler
stand at the apex of history.
69. American Historical Progress / 292
Bancroft and others
observe social progress in the United States.
70. Modernity
and Social Change / 295
Sociologists like Weber announce
modernism’s characteristics.
71. Modernity Drives Progress (and Vice-Versa)
/ 298
The condition of modern
life defines fin de siecle progress.
72. Race in
Universal History / 299
Chamberlain uses race
science to explain uneven progress.
73. History through Ethnography 306
W.E.B. Dubois and
Friedrich Ratzel examine ethnographic groups.
74. The End of the Beginning / 309
The meaning of history
at the close of the 19th century.
75. Into the 20th
Century / 310
Zenith of the Grand
Narrative: Larned, Duruy, Ellis, Tappan.
76. Editors
Extraordinaire 321
Helmolt, Williams,
Lodge, and the Eleventh Britannica.
77. The History of All Nations / 333
Progress as the ever-increasing
ability to control nature.
78. History in
Eclipse / 342
Nietzsche expresses
doubt in progress and the modernist project.
79. Rescuing
Universal History / 348
WWI confirms Nietzsche; Wells
writes a new Grand Narrative.
80. Interwar
Universal History / 355
Horne, Breasted, Parsons
and others write in an age of anxiety.
81. The Art of
History / 362
Van Loon draws out
history; the Nazis ban Gombrich’s book.
82. Powerful New
Theses Appear / 368
Spengler and Toynbee
build huge paradigms, others demur.
83. The
Universal World-State / 377
Kojeve revisits Hegel
and sees progress in an eventual world-state.
84. Under Eastern Eyes / 388
An Indian leader writes history
to his daughter from prison.
85. History as the History of Civilization
/ 393
Hayes, Barnes and others
produce Eurocentric textbooks.
86. Optimistic
and Pessimistic Progressivisms / 408
Jacks stresses the need
for a post-religious social goal.
87. On the Brink
/ 416
The Durants’ Grand Story
appears in a time of grand trouble.
88. The War
/ 423
Something else died in
the war besides 66 million people.
89. Cosmic
Universal History / 426
Teilhard’s breathtaking
synthesis of history as cosmic evolution.
90. New Ways of Studying Social Change /
Sztompka discusses thoughts
on social change in a postwar world.
91. Aspects of Social
Processes / 443
Do they move unilineally,
spirally, cyclically, or in quantum leaps?
92. Postwar
Historical Education / 448
Becker, Rogers, Muzzey,
Starr, Cooper-Cole, Brinton and Neill.
93. History as the History of Civilizations / 470
Braudel becomes a
renegade by making a powerful point.
94. History becomes Interdependent / 477
Stavrianos, McNeill and
history through thematic webbing.
95. The Fate of Progress and the Modernist Project / 482
Why did developmentalism
fall out of favor?
96. Bureaucratic Universal History / 488
The UN tries to write a
history but runs into a roadblock: itself.
97. Universal
History Criticized / 495
Neo-Academia applies Neo-Marxian
Critical Theory to history.
98. Universal History Denuded / 516
Cultural Marxism, PC,
Relativism & Multiculturalism v.
the West.
99. Universal History Deconstructed / 519
Derrida and Foucault
pick apart the notion of progress and history.
100. Postmodern Universal History / 527
Hayden White says the
loss of the sacred has caused bitterness.
101. Alternatives to Postmodernity / 534
Coming home from
102. Progress
Persists / 535
Are remnants of the idea
of progress still extant in society?
103. Progress 2.0 / 537
Sztompka argues ‘Progress
2.0’ can work if it molts out old stuff.
104. Universal
History through Television / 540
Aspects of the Narrative
on TV: Clark, Bronowski, Burke, Sagan.
105. Universal History Multimediated / 543
Treatments by NatGeo, History,
BBC, Discovery and online.
106. Fun
Universal History / 543
Lighthearted submissions
by Asimov, Gonick, Murray and Barzun.
107. The Slim
Volumes / 552
Histories readable in a
weekend for the person on the go.
108. The Guides
/ 553
World History for
Dummies, A Complete Idiot’s Guide, etc.
109. The Big Guns
/ 554
Garraty, Roberts, and
Blainey keep the faith.
110. Textbooks of
the Seventies / 564
Burns and Ostrowski
present contrast like discoballs and big cars.
111. Textbooks of
the Eighties / 568
Perry and Leinwand write
history in neon times.
112. Textbooks of
the Nineties / 569
Kreiger and Hanes edit
the decadent decade’s major textbooks.
113. Textbooks of the 2000s / 573
Spielvogel and Beck contribute
the terror decade’s classic texts.
114. Textbooks
Today / 582
A new generation of
textbooks that may not be so new.
115. Universal History at the University /
Spodek, Bentley,
Bulliet, Stearns, Armesto, McKay & Strayer.
116. Universal History Globalized / 611
Sociology poses scenarios
for what the future might be like.
117. Reverse
Universal History / 616
Futurists join
sociologists to try and project history into the future.
118. The End of
Universal History / 623
Are today’s liberal
states the final ‘product’ of history’s progress?
119. Evidence
Against the End of History / 627
Fukuyama presents powerful
contingencies against his own thesis.
120. Liberal Democracy as Telos / 637
If society is not
satisfying enough for a restless species, what is?
121. Liberal Democratic Universal History /
Is there a Weltgeist for the whole world? Can its
story be written?
122. Modern, Universal or Western? / 642
Huntington piles on more
evidence against the End of History.
123. Clash
against the West / 647
Quigley on decline,
invasion and civilizational destruction.
124. Multiple
Ends of History / 652
A new European Covenant
to respect the Other without violence?
125. The
Nation-State in a Globalized World / 655
The fate of the Westphalian
nation is being decided. Should it die?
126. Culture
Developing through History / 669
High, common, and
popular culture: a new way to see them.
127. New Millennium, New History / 674
Fernandez-Armesto, Jared
Diamond and David Christian.
128. Unique in
Universal History / 680
Duchesne argues the West
is a civilization set apart.
129. The Fate of Universal History / 690
Rounding up where we are
and if meaning can be recovered.
130. Past
Prologue / 692
From Plato’s Cave to
Spaceship Earth: Seeing reality.
131. A Thought
Experiment / 693
Looking up means looking
out, and also in.
132. The Telos of
Human Progress / 969
Zubrin and Kardashev
state the goal of human progress.
133. The Vision
of Galactic Civilization / 700
The magic of vision is
that if it is there, the people prosper.
134. Progress within the End of History /
How our society at the End
of History can discover meaning again.
135. Intimations of Zielgeist / 704
From Metrodorus of Chios through Bruno to Verne.
136. Prospects
for Zielgeist / 705
NASA was animated by the
spirit of achieving the unbelievable.
137. Awakening
Zielgeist / 713
Packaging progress for a
new generation as: “Goal Spirit”.
138. Awakening Scientific Zielgeist / 717
Studying core knowledge
in science can be fun again?
139. Awakening Economic Zielgeist / 720
Howard Bloom’s series of
historical vignettes help explain how.
140. Awakening Educational Zielgeist / 723
Unleashing the latent desire
to know.
141. Awakening Political Zielgeist / 729
Building political capital
into a social movement.
142. Awakening Social Zielgeist / 736
Repudiating the Culture
of Repudiation with a powerful message.
143. Awakening Environmental Zielgeist / 739
Ronald Wright outlines
‘progress traps’ humanity has fallen into.
144. Is Goal Spirit Oppressive? / 744
Can an ‘absolute’
assertion jive with a multicultural population?
145. Zielgeist or
Idiocracy / 746
A review of key moments
in the history of the human condition.
146. Conclusion / 752
There are always two
doors to the future.
Index of Historians / 754
Bibliography and Notes /
About the Author / 800
Year Author Title of World History Book
-400s Bible Old Testament
-400s Herodotus The Histories
-300s Ephorus History
-100s Polybius The Histories
-90s Sima Qian Records of the Grand Historian
-60s Lucretius On the Nature of Things
-40s Diodorus Library of History
-20s Livy Annals of the Roman People
40s Seneca Naturales Quaestiones
300s Eusebius of Caesarea Ecclesiastical History
400s Augustine of Hippo City of God
400s Orosius Seven Books of History Against the Pagans
500s Gregory of Tours Ten Books of Histories
600s The Venerable Bede Ecclesiastical History
600s Isidore of Seville The Etymology
900s Al Tabari History of Prophets and Kings
1100s Goffredo da Viterbo Liber Universalis
1100s Otto von Freising History of the Two Civic Societies
1100s Joachim of Fiore Harmony of the Old and New Testaments
1200s Helinand of Froidmont Chronicon
1200s Vincent of Beauvais The Great Mirror
1200s Jans der Enikel World Chronicle
1300s Ranulf Higden Polychronicle
1300s R. al-Din Hamadani Compilation of Chronicles
1300s Jean Froissart Chronicles
1400s Ibn Khaldun Muquaddimah
1400s Various Yongle’s Encyclopedia
1500 Marcantonius Sabellicus Enneades sive Rhapsodia historiarum
1554 Marcin Bielski World Chronicle
1589 Mattias Flacius Magdeburg Centuries
1607 Caesar Baronius Annales
1610 Walter Raleigh History of the Whole World
1666 Peter Heylyn Cosmographie
1682 Jacques-Benigne Bossuet Discourse on the History of the Whole World
1747 George Sale et al. Universal History – Antient Part
1757 Voltaire Essay on Manners and Spirit of Nations
1758 Ludwig von Holberg Synopsis of Universal History
1765 Tobias Smollett et al. Universal History – Modern Part
1772 Claude Millot Elements of General History
1784 Johann von Herder Reflections on the Philosophy of History
1784 Immanuel Kant Idea for a Universal History
1789 Marquis de Condorcet Sketch of the Progress of the Human Mind
1789 Friedrich Schiller What is Universal History?
1793 Louis-Pierre Anquetil Summary of Universal History
1795 John Adams A View of Universal History
1804 William Fordyce Mavor Universal History
1811 Johannes von Muller An Universal History
1819 Frederick Butler Sketches of Universal History
1822 Conrad Malte-Brun Universal Geography
1824 Leopold von Ranke Various
1830 Dionysus Lardner Outlines of Universal History
1830 Royal Robbins The World Displayed
1832 George Putnam Tabular Views of Universal History
1835 Emma Willard System of Universal History
1835 Alexander Fraser Tytler Universal History to the Reign of George II
1837 Georg W. F. Hegel Philosophy of History
1840 Charles von Rotteck General History of the World
1844 Samuel Maunder Treasury of History
1847 Henry White Elements of Universal History
1853 Georg Weber Outlines of Universal History
1859 Samuel G. Goodrich History of All Nations
1869 Evert Duyckinck History of the World
1874 William Swinton Outlines of World History
1880 Karl Julius Ploetz Epitome of Universal History
1882 Edmund Ollier Cassell’s Illustrated Universal History
1885 George Park Fisher Outlines of Universal History
1885 John Clark Ridpath Cyclopaedia of Universal History
1887 Nugent Robinson A History of the Whole World with Sensations
1888 Friedrich Ratzel History of Mankind
1889 Philip Van Ness Myers General History for Colleges and High Schools
1893 John Clark Ridpath Great Races of Mankind
1898 Israel Smith Clare Library of Universal History
1901 Hans L. Helmolt The History of the World
1902 Justi et al. History of All Nations
1904 Henry Smith Williams Historian’s History of the World
1905 Josephus Nelson Larned World History, or, Seventy Centuries
1907 Henry Cabot Lodge History of Nations
1911 Houston S. Chamberlain Foundations of the Nineteenth Century
1912 Victor Duruy A General History of the World
1913 Edward Ellis Story of the Greatest Nations
1914 Eva March Tappan The World’s Story
1915 James Bryce et al. The History of All Nations
1919 H.G. Wells The Outline of History
1919 Oswald Spengler Decline of the West
1921 Hutton Webster World History
1921 Hendrik W. Van Loon The Story of Mankind
1925 Charles F. Horne The World and its People
1926 James Henry Breasted The Conquest of Civilization
1926 James Harvey Robinson The Ordeal of Civilization
1927 Albert McKinley World History Today
1928 Lynn Thorndike A Short History of Civilization
1928 Geoffrey Parsons The Stream of History
1929 John A. Hammerton The Universal History of the World
1932 Carlton Hayes World History
1934 Jawaharlal Nehru Glimpses of World History
1934 Arnold Toynbee A Study of History
1935 Harry Elmer Barnes History of Western Civilization
1936 E. H. Gombrich A Little History of the World
1936 Will & Ariel Durant The Story of Civilization
1937 Albert Kerr Heckel On the Road to Civilization
1938 Edwin Pahlow Man’s Great Adventure
1938 Marcus Wilson Jernegan The Progress of Nations
1940 William L. Langer Encyclopedia of World History
1941 Edward McNall Burns Western Civilizations
1946 Carl Becker Story of Civilization
1949 Lester Rogers Story of Nations
1955 Tielhard de Chardin The Phenomenon of Man
1955 David Saville Muzzey The Struggle for Civilization
1955 Crane Brinton A History of Civilization
1960 Chester G. Starr A History of the World
1963 Fay-Cooper Cole Illustrated Outline of Mankind
1963 Fernand Braudel History of Civilizations
1963 Leften Stavrianos A Global History of Man
1963 William McNeill The Rise of the West
1963 Hawkes et al. History of Mankind
1968 Thomas P. Neill Story of Mankind
1972 John A. Garraty Columbia History of the World
1973 Hayden White Metahistory
1974 Edward McNall Burns World Civilizations
1976 Arnold Toynbee Mankind and Mother Earth
1977 Richard Ostrowski Echoes of Time
1980 Marvin Perry Unfinished Journey
1986 Gerald Leinwand Pageant of World History
1991 Isaac Asimov Chronology of World Hsitory
1991 Larry Gonick Cartoon History of the World
1992 Larry S. Krieger World History: Perspectives on the Past
1993 J. M. Roberts History of the World
1996 Dorling Kindersley Chronicle of the World
1997 Elisabeth Ellis et al. World History: Connections to Today
1997 Nathan Schur Relevant History of the World
1997 William T. Hanes et al. World History: Continuities and Chjange
2000 Geoffrey Blainey A Short History of the World
2001 Peter Haugen World History for Dummies
2004 James C. Davis The Human Story
2004 Roger Beck et al. World History: Patterns of Interaction
2004 David Christian Maps of Time
2005 David Fromkin Way of the World
2005 Jackson Spielvogel World History
2007 Peter Stearns et al. World Civilizations
2007 Filipe Fernandez-Armesto The World
2008 Timothy C. Hall A Complete Idiot’s Guide to World History
2011 Jerry Bentley et al. Traditions and Encounters
2011 Robert Strayer et al. Ways of the World
2011 Richard Bulliet et al. The Earth and its Peoples
2012 John McKay et al. A History of World Societies