Get a Job!  Get a Job!   Get a Job!


  Cafeteria Program


UANT Residence Life's Work-for-Food Program is the most popular and has the highest turnover rate, meaning there are always jobs available in one of the three campus cafes: Varga-Jeno, Navoyka and in the Ant. Museum. From food preparation to presentation, from service to clean-up, our 'cafe staffs' need reliable staffers for all positions. Work-study participants receive free meals at the end of their shifts, and a choice of milkshake or desert to take home. If you've been hungry for a little extra, come join our team! Fill out an application today.








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    Antarctica Museum cafe                               Hard working cafe students

 Varga Jeno cafe boss: Betty                        Navoyka cafe boss: Emilia      

Varga Jeno pizza: a student favourite           Pizza surprise is always different