"The Best Defence is the Threat of Overwhelming Offensive Retaliation" |
SCDF Defence Rainbow Weapons Programme Bulletin |
The Rainbow Weapons Programme done in cooperation with the Ross College of Natural Science has completed Stage 3 and is active as of 18.1.2010. After years of research, the Southern Cross Defence Force now boasts, through the RWP, very effective means of deterrence that will not harm upworld physical geographies but will non-violently inhibit the biologies and economies of enemy combatants. The need for planning to defend Antarctica without aggressive weaponry (which is banned from this continent by international treaty) created a unique operational environment for this programme to be conceived in. Aside from the ban in weaponry, which had to be non-violent in nature, the greatest obstacle was the balance of forces: "Because the 7 billion people of the up-world outmatch Antarctica in every way, any deterrent we utilize has to make it so clear that engaging SCDF defences is not worth the end, that only one demonstration of its effectiveness must be enough to deter any such candidate permanently. The model becomes a modified, non-violent version of the Israeli response to Arab attack in 1967: overwhelming offensive retaliation." -Knut Asgard, Chairman of Development Group The research and development teams prepared a defensive system within treaty parameters that effectively defends Antarctica, complete in three classes: RWP FORCE PROJECTION CLASS I: REGENBOGEN. 'Regenbogen' is a localized defence weapon fired into the ground by campus monitors. It is conducted by the frozen surface snow and ice, and immobilizes people and weapons with what feels like an electric shock. It also sterilizes the people and animals it comes into contact with. REGENBOGEN
RWP FORCE PROJECTION CLASS II: REGENBOGEN SCHILD. 'Regenbogen Schild'' forms the main deterrent on the scale of the regional theatre of Victoria Land, Ant. When engaged, the mist that looks like an unnatural band of rainbow colours is absorbed by enemy combatants and sterilizes them on contact. The effect renders them neuter, and removes the aggressive part of their bio-chemistry. Docility becomes their new mode of behaviour. The mist also enters the mechanisms of enemy weapons and deadens the electronics on which their technology depends.
The Regenbogen Schild can be deployed in either the 'focused' or 'total immersion' saturation settings (see above photo for IT setting). Outside the Campus Heating Grid on the way to Vostok, another test was run in 2009 on the Focused saturation setting which successfully sterilized animals placed at ground zed. The animals were faculty and student household pets in need of neutering and spaying. Further tests placed two men who voluntarily underwent the experiment two kilometers away from ground zed in the direction of the mist. They too were sterilized when the mist contacted their skin.
Off-Grid Testing outside Vostok Gate
RWP FORCE PROJECTION CLASS III: IGNIS ARCUS CAELESTIS. 'Ignis Arcus Caelestis' operates on the principle of M.A.D. or Mutually Assured Destruction. It is activated in the event of an attack upon Antarctica by nuclear forces, or if another mass destruction weapon is set upon Antarctica by foreign forces. Unlike the Class I and II force-projectors, which campus monitors working with SCDF must activate t hemselves, the Class III IAC system responds by itself if an attack materializes. The reason for this is explained by Dr. hab. Asgard: "Because the Ignis Arcus Caelestis is a weapon of last resort, it does no good to threaten its use if a foreign force is confident they will be able to eliminate the people who would be charged with its activation. Therefore, in such a case, its powers of deterrence are limited. If, however, its deployment is based on an automatic mechanism which activates without the necessity of human manipulation, the foreign power's choice becomes 'live and let live,' or face what Israel calls the Samson Option- even if they successfully destroy, for example, University Peak, they will have brought about, in essence, the non-violent and protracted extinction of their race." IGNIS ARCUS CAELISTIS The RWP III series warheads emerge from underground and are carried on top of an ICBM locally developed and not sold on the international market. In the 1.5.10 test of this ICBM rocket, a successful launch occurred (see above). Were it an actual retaliation, the RWP III series, a group of Neutron type warheads would be launched, bolstered in their range of operation by next generation Multiple Independently Targetable Reentry Vehicle (MIRV) technology, which are able to carry the sterilization mist to targets all around the world. In this way, the sacrifice an enemy nation or non-trinitarian fighting force risks is multi-generational kindercide in their area of the world. Living people will be unharmed, but rendered unable to reproduce. According to Dr. hab Asgard, while this threat is unorthodox in that it does not promise immediate violence as usual, and therefore may be looked at by aggressive enemies with more guile, it brings about "quiet reflection" with time. SUCCESSFUL INDEPENDENT TEST OF MIRV SYSTEM- 2009 The three classes of defensive weapons, though referred to as such, are classified according to treaty specifications as devices and not as weaponry.
Copyright@2010 University of Antarctica; 1 Explorers Drive, PSC 469 University Peak, Antarctica - Directions |