Rome, 80 B.C.
Roscius the Younger
Murder of Sextus Roscius the Elder
The Roman Republic fought and won the
Punic Wars against its bitter rival, Carthage, queen city of the Mediterranean,
in 146 B.C. But the Republic’s greatest moment sowed the seeds of its decline
into social chaos. In its moment of glory, the Romans made a fatal mistake.
They brought large numbers of war captives into Italy, and these were made to
work on large commercial farms wealthy investors were setting up called
latifundia. After a few decades, the markets were flooded with food, which
lowered the price. This sounds good, but had the unintended consequence of
putting a large number of Italian family farmers out of work because they
couldn’t compete with the prices of the food grown on the commercial farms. If
this sounds familiar, a similar thing is happening now to American family
farmers. Cheap labor, based on an ideology of "free trade," affected
them in the same way. What might a large number of destitute
Italian farmers do
after losing their livelihood and becoming homeless?
Social tensions between noble Patricians
and common Plebeians intensified, and by 88 B.C., the wealthier Patricians had
their own political party, the Optimates (best people party), and a military
hero named Sulla who was its head. Sulla was Consul, the highest position in
Rome. They also had the majority of the Senate. The poorer Plebeians also had a
political party, the Populares (majority people party), with a leader in Gaius
Marius. There were street battles like in 1920s Germany, when communists of the
Red Front fought National Socialist SA storm troopers. It would be as if
Republicans and Democrats in America each had a general as a leader, who
directed social war against the other party! The Romans took politics pretty
seriously. Then again, they also watched gladiator matches for fun. Do you
think Americans will ever fight in the streets based on what political party
they support?
they fought a little too much
In the midst of this social conflict,
the streets of Rome were dangerous at times. As many poor people moved in and
around town, Sulla announced a state of emergency in 82 B.C. and declared
himself Dictator. He went so far as to put bounties called proscriptions on the
heads of people he labeled “enemy of the state” and offered rewards for their
capture- Old West style- dead or alive. After a year, Sulla stepped down and
was elected back as Consul, but many still feared his power. How might a ‘death
list’ posted at malls, stores and on the Internet help maintain order and
conformity in modern society?
One night in 80 B.C., one of Sulla’s
friends, Sextus Roscius the Elder, a wealthy landowner, had some wine at a
party and was murdered in the street on his way home. He had been having family
problems. Some of his relatives were coveting his properties, 13 farms outside
of town, and were trying to get Sulla to put him on the proscribed list, which
meant his properties could be confiscated. And since they were the ones who
pointed out he was an enemy of the state to Sulla, they expected to be
rewarded. The blood hadn’t even dried from the dead man’s toga when these
relatives and their friend Chrysognus (Kry-sog-in-us), a former slave from
Greece turned powerful magnate, pointed the finger at the murdered man’s son,
Sextus Roscius the Younger, who was in the middle of trying to clear his father’s
name. If he had been successful, he could have gotten the properties and wealth
reinstated. Everything was in limbo, but now he was arrested for murder, and
none of the lawyers in Rome would touch the case, because the prosecution
consisted of such powerful and well-connected people. But this would prove to
be a murder trial for the ages, because the man who took up the defense of
Roscius was a young man who would become the greatest lawyer in the history of
Rome: Marcus Tullius Cicero. Why do you think the relatives conspired with
Chrysogonus to accuse Sextus Roscius?
Chrysogonus was a big player. Roscius
told Cicero he should not take the case: “I’m dead. If Chrysogonus wants a man
dead, he’s dead. If you defend me you’re dead too.” To take on Chrysogonus
posed a huge risk. Merely bringing up his name in court could get you killed,
like pointing at a mafia boss and saying, “that godfather dude over there is a
criminal!” Cicero now had to choose: leave it alone or take on the great and
popular lawyer Eruchius (Er-oo-kee-iss) in open-air court in front of hundreds
of people. He chose the danger. But how would he proceed? On day one of the
trial, the people applauded when Eruchius confidently strode in. Court cases
were like live-action movies for the Romans. They loved hearing the arguments
of the best lawyers. Would you ever consider going to see the trial and
sentencing of someone famous?
Eruchius talked to the audience. He bid
them imagine how heinous it would be for a son to kill his own father. There
were many fathers and sons looking on, and he was appealing to them. He asked
the judges to “dispatch this murderer as he dispatched his father,” an eye for
an eye. Then Cicero rose. He walked over to Eruchius and told him this was a
court of justice and that he had no evidence. Then he strode to the 21 judges
and said he intended to exonerate his client to a hushed crowd. Then he boldly
brought up Chrysogonus, who was out of town, blaming him for the ills of his
client. Eruchius, angered, called to the stand his first witness, one of the
cousins, Capito, who said he overheard Roscius talking about how he wished his
father were dead. He also claimed Roscius’ father told him he wanted to
disinherit his son. Cicero established it was one man’s word against another,
and that the prosecution had still not produced one shred of evidence. Is the
American principle of “innocent until proven guilty” a good legal policy in
your opinion?
Eruchius claimed the father banished
Roscius to work his farms outside of town, which is where Roscius lived most of
the time, implying country life was far lower than city life, and that no one
would want to do it willingly. He argued his dad was punishing him. Cicero
defended country life, and said it was a reward, not a punishment. Recall, many
Patricians had come to disdain peasant farmers and agricultural work as “below
them.” Only losers do that kind of work, that’s why all the foreigners were
brought to Italy, he implied, to do jobs the Romans didn’t want to do. But
Cicero reminded the crowd that the old Rome was built on hard work and good
values, country values. Jefferson would use exactly these arguments during the
founding of America. Do you consider cultivating the land and growing food an
honorable occupation? Or is the more sophisticated, urbane city really better?
The prosecution called the other cousin,
Magnus, who was in the neighborhood when the murder happened and was on hand to
identify the body. He claimed he sent a messenger to inform the family, who rode
through the night to find them. Cicero speculated he actually sent the messenger to inform his
pals that the owner of 13 farms just died, and with the proscription case in
limbo, that the farms were “up for grabs.” The prosecution objected that this case
was not about property but about murder, and Cicero was badgering the witness.
But Cicero made an argument that it was important to establish who now owned
the farms. The witness Magnus answered meekly: Chrysogonus! And who
runs them? Magnus himself. Here Cicero established the legal principle of Cui
Bono, “Who benefits?” How important is it that lawyers establish motive for a
Cicero then established that Chrysogonus
gave three of the ten farms to Capito, the other witness who denounced Roscius.
The court broke for the day, and that night, armed men accosted Cicero as he
searched for whether the elder Roscius’ name was on the last posted ‘death
list,’ in the Forum. These were people who could be legally killed, recall, and
he found it was not. Yet Eruchius had produced a list in court that did have
his name on it, meaning the proscription went through and his property was
legally sold to Chrysogonus. Thing is, the name was last on the list, and the
official who approved it was… Chrysogonus! The men brought him to the family
who got Cicero on the case, and who now suddenly asked him to give in and simply
ask for mercy for the accused. Everyone, even them, was afraid of the powerful forces
arrayed against them.
Cicero told them that he was on trial for himself and his own honor as much as
for Roscius. And in a deeper sense, the whole legal system was on trial. Would
it be a tool for the few, or a shield for the many?
What would you have done? What threat would it take for you to
give up and let an innocent person be unjustly punished? A twinkie?
Next day in court, a man from Ameria,
the village where the 13 farms were, testified for the defense that he was
willing to pay 6,000,000 Roman cisterti for the farms, but at the auction,
Magnus and some men bullied him and others out of the bidding process, and bought the farms themselves-
for 2,000 cisterti.
Cicero also produced an letter to Sulla from the people of the village asking
for an inquiry into the proscription of the old man, along with a request that
name be taken off the death list and his lands returned to his son. A
delegation of them, he said, came from the village to meet with Sulla. But
instead, they only met with an official who had access to him. Cicero established
that the official in question was… Chrysogonus!
This man assured the delegation he was shocked that such a good man would be put on the
list, and that the government would look into it immediately. Of course, they
did nothing. So the delegation sent one from among them to see what was going
on and protest. Who was the man they sent? Cicero questioned further. It was Capito!
Capito two-timed the villagers. Cui Bono? indeed. It was now that Cicero asked
the audience to picture Chrysogonus as what he was, a rags-to-riches story,
yes, once a slave and now one of the most powerful men in Rome. He appealed to the
Romans’ notions of masculinity and virility, noting Chrysogonus was as pampered
as a young lady of nobility, that his major worry was how his hair looked so he could show off his good
looks in the Forum. And then Chrysogonus actually showed up at the trial by
surprise. And he was not happy. The crowd went silent with anticipation. But
instead of backing down, Cicero’s indignation rose to new heights. He called Chrysogonus out directly, saying,
“What is it, this power of yours? You rob a man, want him dead, and when he
refuses to be murdered, you get this court to kill him instead. Do you really
have such power in a ROMAN court?” He turned to the judges: “Chrysogonus
believes he can control you, your noble, independent minds. Look at him. He
really believes it.” What Roman values was Cicero appealing to in the judges?
closing statement
It was time for the closing statements.
Eruchius tried to get the crowd to condemn Roscius again by using vivid imagry
to get them to imagine the old
man murdered by his monstrous son. Then Cicero reviewed how every last witness
and person associated with the trial benefited. He asked the judges what kind
of Rome they wanted to live in. Was in one in which rich people could go around
taking the homes of others, and then having them legally killed? Would their
safety be assured in such a Rome? He bid them to think of his client, of
themselves, and more than those things, of Rome. And unexpectedly, the audience
erupted in cheers. They knew he had put the court system on trial, and convinced
the judges it had to be a force for justice, not a tool
for influential people. Cicero demonstrated justice was something exalted,
something higher, something to be counted on in times of social strain as well
as in times of calm. Justice is more than a concept; it contains our
definitions of right and wrong. The judges were to mark either absolve (not guilty)
or condemn (guilty). They made their marks. A simple
majority was needed. How would you, as a judge, find the defendant, Sextus Roscius?
The court rendered a not guilty verdict.
However, Sextus Roscius did not get his land back. Somehow Chrysogonus managed
to pull some strings and keep it. But he did get his life back. Eruchius the
prosecutor remained a popular lawyer for Rome’s people of status, and Cicero became the
most famous advocate in Roman history. He was elected Consul in 63 B.C., and dedicated his life to defending the Republic against
instability, corruption and usurpation. Despite his best efforts, however, documented in books like On Moral Duties, The Philippics, Tusculan Disputations,
On Old Age, and The Character of the Orator, along with many letters, the
Republic was ultimately usurped 20 years later by his friend, Julius Caesar.