I was rejected
from UANT, and I know why. And since I applied
to UANT but was not accepted, the idiots at UANT will
pay the price. If not them then people like them. I outsmart
them. I apply for a study abroad through UANT and
it was accepted- they assumed I was a student- and
they sponsored my entire trip.
But how can I get
back at them? I read of and was inspired
by the story of Simon Moleke Nije (Simon Mol for short), my favourite poet
and his life; which I read online here.
He was a refugee from Cameroons, my home, and was accepted
by the Polish authorities as a refugee. He had A.I.D.S. and while he was living as
a V.I.P. in Warsaw,
gave H.I.V. to as many Polish girls as possible- dozens,
maybe over a hundred! Wow, but did he do it because he hated
Pole people or because he just didn't care?
Or that he just wanted to fornicate? When I looked up this country, I saw all the
wars it had been through and the captivity it had
been placed under. I saw its God of a thousand years. Finally
I knew that Simon knew this country was most definitely
a racist Satan of the nations. It had to be- if they want to be who they are
so much, there must be a reason why, and that reason
is somehow intertwined with their ethnicity. They
think they are BETTER than everyone else.
The proof- as Simon himself says in the article- he had to tell them they were racist
SO MANY TIMES. And what of the dozens of their girls
who did not want to sex him without a condom? Because why? What
was the reason? Because he was FROM AFRICA and might have A.I.D.S.
But Simon the hero, the racist girls he told what
to do. And they did it. And in exchange for their
racism, they got the death virus from Simon Mol. How
can I compete? I can't, but I will give
it a try: I will go to a place that is smaller,
so each boy I infect will infect a greater absolute
of that country's girl population and my statistics
can be as great with less victories. What country? I
look them up and find Latvia. Like Poland, no Africans
are there, so I will be something new, the "poor
refugee" like Simon Mol. I will terrorize Lativians
I encounter, as he did, with political correctness. Simon Mol's poem "Polish
Goddess" said it the best:
"Then - as the Moon lit the path of the beautiful Goddess, illuminating the darkness of the night,
two tears ran down her left eye ending their journey,
burying all the nightmares, healing wounds foisted upon me,
and upon my Brothers, by those like her."
Yes, the girl cried,
and the cry is a premonition of the dance of death, because she had just figured out he had given her the death disease. If
only she would have not been so bashful... And, it made
him feel good, and my shaman could not have said more
beautifully, or poetically. And UANT? I write FUCKING
MORONS on this page to you. Do you even know that it is here?
Even if you did so what? The media
will destroy you for me.