Our Dining Hall
the staff:











Courses - Meatless
Potato Pancakes with cream
- Å4
(potato pancakes with cream
sauce and oregano)

Wild grains with cream sauce
- Å3,5
(grains wild with a bean sauce)

Dumplings w/ potato and
ewe's cheese - Å4
(Pierogi in a"Ruskie"
Russian style)

Crepes with vegetable mix and
cream - Å4
(flour dough, vegetable mix,
cream sauce)

Crepes with spinach, feta
cheese and cream
- Å4,5
(dough, spinach, cooked bacon,
feta, cream mix)

Hunter's stew with assorted
meats - Å3,5
(cabbage and sour kraut, kielbasa,
bakon, white kielbasa, mushrooms, assortment of vegetables)

Crepes with salmon and capers
- Å4,5
(crepes in a French style with
salmon, capers, asparagus with side of tortilla chips
and cream sauce)

Kid's plate - Å3,5
(potato pancakes in humourous
shapes with cucumbers, cream, pickled cucumbers)

Courses - Foul & Pork
Chicken "Pecs"
style with mushrooms - Å4,5
(chicken meat, dough shapes,
"Pecs" sauce)

Roast duck and dough spheres
- Å6,5
(roasted duck, gooseberry jam
sauce, prunes, dough shapes)

Turkey in cranberrie sauce
with gravey - Å7
(stuffed turkey meat, vegetable
assortment, cranberries, gravey, casu marzu, traditional
dessert from usa)

Emperor penguin in butter
sauce - Å4,5
(Antarctica speciality- penguin
meat seared to perfection and served in butter sauce)

Roasted piglet served w/
apple traditon - Å9
(whole piglet spread with grapes,
apple-in-mouth, decorated with many garnishings)

Pork knuckle in sour cream
sauce - Å3,5
(knuckle of pork pig, sour
kraut topping)

Courses - Meats
Steak "T-bone"
with potato and fruit - Å9,5
(American style steak shaped
with T, french-fried potato, vegetable medley and fruit

"Mastodon" (elephant)
with sauce - Å13,5
(South African elephant with
a variety of dipping sauces and wild rice)

Ram mutton with potato
- Å8,5
(British favourite- mutton
of ram pieces decorated with ice lettuce and Carybdis

Boar with multiple sides
- Å8,5
(wild caught dziki boar coated
with a spicy coating and served in asian fashion with
a spicy vegetables and cashew meat)

Okapi "Kigali"
platter - Å4,5
(congolese okapi caught from
wild and presented with bonobo cuts and horseradish
in a garlic sauce)

Wild rabbit stew w/ sauce
and potatoes - Å2
(wild caught Australian hare
stewed with vegetables and grains, topped with a lime

Venison on a "shish kebab"
- Å4,5
(white tailed deer shish kebab
with assortment of vegetables accompanying it- orange
carrot, squash, with rice and garnishing)

Pacha - Å6,5
(Arabic favourite served in
traditional way steamed with halal-appropriate sides)

Felidae variety platter
- Å18,5
(mix of puma concolor
coryi and felis "little tiger" meats served
with dipping sauces, wild rices and grains)

Oc khi with arrak - Å11,5
(Viet Namese favourite served
traditionally on top of a vegetable stew either chilled
or steamed, garnished with parsleys and Asian spices,
with arrak alcohol base)

Courses - Sea Creatures
Marbled rock cod with potato -
(our most popular dish is caught
in the cold waters off the coast of Ross Ice Shelf and
served with a pesto sauch and vegetables)

Mackerel ice fish "Antarctica"
- Å4,5
(also very popular dish, mackerel
is caught near McMurdo Sound and the cold water
gives a special taste- served with rice and glazed)

Patagonian toothfish in
caper sauce - Å4,5
(Antarctican fish served with
Italian pastas and cheeses, lemon pepper seasoning)

Colossal squid with bacon
wrappings - Å8,5
(world largest invertebrate-
diced rings battered lightly and served with bacon,
with rice and with shrimp side)

Manatee Rangoon - Market
(West Indian Manatee farm-raised
in Burma and garnished with celeries and rice, cooked
in oils)

Atlantic green turtle
in garlic oil - Å16,5
(turtle meat from the grill
and coated with spicy glazing, served with tomato and

Courses - Specialities
Nachos "Supreme"
- Å3,5
(nacho tortilla chips springkled
with salts and served with a variety of toppings: beans,
beefs, tomatoes, paprykas, cream, cheese which has been
melted, and garnishings)

Dinuguan Stew - Å2,5
(Filippines traditional pork
stew with very hot peppers and savory broth)

Highlander Haggis - Å3,5
(traditional Scottish style
haggis sheep's stomach stuffed with meat and barley)

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