First image from the Moon..


In the 40s and 50s, the moon had been in the public imagination for nearly a hundred years. Verne had written about a trip there, Melies used 'cinemagic' to show viewers such a trip in a 1902 film, and while few people believed it hosted life, it was not totally beyond speculation.


Arthur C. Clarke determined it was "possible" for life to exist on the Moon in 1951's The Exploration of Space.


But no one had seen the moon like this before. Bonestell's moon rocket has landed there. At least five astronauts are spending time conducting surveys and experiments.


But how would such a moon rocket get there? The astronautics behind it were layed out by Von Braun, Whipple and Ley in, Conquest of the Moon (1954). Hint: getting there would be half the fun! Let's rewind...