Dear Human Race,
At UANT we take
birthdays seriously and make sure everyone is happy
and safe, within reason. Public relations officer Zykov
personally escorts some of the parties to destinations
in New Zealand and Antarctica, usually the McMurdo club
On this occasion,
twins were having a birthday, and, as matriculating
students, had the right to demand such an escort. They
were provided with it, and selected a group of friends
to join, some of which had not heard of UANT but were
recruited by the birthday twins.
They made stops
to pick up their crew, and headed to the strip. There,
despite some diffuculties related to the ongoing development
of interpersonal relationships, health-related
mishaps, and lost items like mobile phones and
sanity, and despite being parked illegally in a tow
zone, they aided Zykov's current sociology project
by demonstrating chaos theory in social scenarios,
the topic of a paper he will be presenting at the Erebus
Club next month.
parties consist of summertime dreams
Public Relations director Ivan Zykov took potential
students on a whirlwind tour of the community around
the New New Zealand campus to demonstrate the lighter
side of the
University of Antarctica. The potential recruits took
it as a time to party. They yelled
for hours straight at each other and screamed and danced to
melodies all night on the way, to
and fro, stopping at pubs and clubs all along the
way. Baby do you dare to do this?