Western culture or Western civilization is a term often used to
refer to most of the cultures of European origin and most of their
descendants. It comprises the broad, geographically based heritage of social norms, ethical values, traditional customs (such as religious beliefs) and specific
artifacts and technologies as shared within the Western sphere of influence.
The East–West contrast is sometimes criticized as relativistic and
arbitrary.[1][2][3] It can be difficult to determine which
individuals fit into which category. In some ways it has grown out of use, or
has been transformed or clarified to fit more precise uses. Though it is
directly descendent from academic Orientalism and Occidentalism, the changing usage of the
distinction "East–West" has come to be useful as a means to identify important
cultural similarities and differences — both within an increasingly larger
concept of local region, as well as with regard to increasingly familiar "alien"
During the Cold War, the
West–East contrast became synonymous with the competing governments of the United States and the Soviet Union and their
allies, respectively, although the nature of that contrast is not in any way
based on the distinction between Eastern and Western cultures. Nonetheless "westernization" was a
persistent theme of the Russian Empire and thru its influence and that
of the Soviet Union and
its Eastern European client states these regions have been incorporated into
"the west" albeit as a periphery or marchland. Since it also includes virtually all of the
western hemisphere not in Africa as well as
the Anzac countries, it
is the geographically most extensive culture on the planet. As the bearer of
science and the accompanying revolutions of technology, thought, and values over
the last 500 years it is the dominant human culture at this time of global
cultural integration and thus has established itself as a basal element of human
civilization with which it is sometimes chauvinistically confused.
The concept of Western culture is generally linked to the classical
definition of Western world. In this definition, Western culture is the set of
literary, scientific, musical and philosophical principles which set it apart from
other civilizations. It applies to countries whose history is strongly marked by Western European
immigration or settlement, and is not restricted to Western Europe. Much of this
set of traditions and knowledge is collected in the Western canon. [4] Various uses of the
concept of Western culture have included, rightly or wrongly, critiques of American culture, materialism, industrialism, capitalism, commercialism, hedonism, imperialism, communism, Nazism, fascism, racism
or modernism.
Other tendencies that define modern Western societies are the existence of political pluralism, prominent subcultures or
countercultures (such as
New Age movements), increasing
cultural syncretism resulting
from globalization and human migration. The origins of Western culture are: Feudalism (particularly manorialism) and Christianity (juxtaposition of Catholicism and Protestantism). Broadly,
these are referred to as Greco-Roman and Judeo-Christian roots. Germanic, Slavic, Celtic, Jewish and Islamic cultures
also took part in the formation of the culture of medieval Europe. The influence of secular humanism has
been profound since the European Renaissance, as well as Enlightenment's thought, Rationalism, romantic ideals and later tendencies such as Modernism, pop culture and various subcultural and countercultural
Western culture has developed many themes and traditions, the most
significant of which are:
- Greco-Latin classic letters, arts, architecture, philosophical and cultural
tradition, that include a large and vast influence of very important and
preeminent authors such as Plato, Aristotle, Homer, Herodotus, Cicero or
Caesar, as well as a
very long mythologic
tradition (approximately syncretic to other Mediterranean ones such as Phoenician or Egyptian).
- Biblic and Evangelic Judaeo-Christian cultural tradition, as well
as part of Christian theology and philosophy, and an abundant
tradition on the philosophical discipline of ethics.
- Secular
humanism, rationalism and
thought, as opposed to traditionally preeminent Catholicism and Protestant
Christianity, religious and moral doctrines in lifestyle. Though such
opposition has not fully ended, it set the basis for a new critical attitude and
open questioning of religion, favouring freethinking and questioning of the church as an
authority, which resulted in open-minded and reformist ideals inside, such as liberation
theology, which partly adopted these currents, and secular and political
tendencies such as laicism, agnosticism, materialism and atheism.
- A tradition and idea of importance of law
which has its roots in Roman
- Widespread usage of terms and specific vocabulary borrowed, based or derived
from Greek and Latin roots or etymologies for
almost any field of arts, science and human knowledge, becoming easily
understandable and common to almost any European language, and being a source
for inventing internationalized neologisms for nearly any purpose. It is not rare
for full loan Latin phrases or expressions, such as in situ, grosso
modo or tempus fugit, to be in usage, many of them giving name to
artistic or literatic concepts or currents. The usage of such roots and phrases
is standardized in giving official scientific names for biological species (such as Homo sapiens or Tyrannosaurus rex). This shows a
reverence for these languages, called classicism.
- Generalized usage of some form of the Latin or Greek alphabet. The latter includes the standard
cases of Greece and other derived forms,
such as Cyrillic, the case of those Slavic Eastern
countries of Christian Orthodox tradition, historically
under the Byzantine and later Russian czarist or Soviet area of influence. Other variants of it are
encountered for Gothic and Coptic alphabets, that historically substituted
older scripts, such as Runic, and Demotic or Hieroglyphic systems.
- Scholasticism.
- Renaissance arts and
- The scientific
- The Western canon.
- Natural law, human rights, constitutionalism, parliamentarism (or presidentialism) and
formal liberal
democracy in recent times — prior to the 20th century, most Western
governments were monarchies, yet.
- A large influence, in modern times, of many of the ideals and values
developed and heritaged from Romanticism, and to some extent Modernism, Surrealism and related vanguards.
- Several subcultures
(sometimes deriving into urban tribes) and countercultural movements, such as hippie lifestyle or New Age, that have left several influences on
contemporary mainstream or subcultural tendencies (some of them, especially in
the mainstream, can become merely aesthetical).
Western culture is neither homogeneous nor unchanging. As with all other
cultures it has evolved and gradually changed over time. All generalities about
it have their exceptions at some time and place. The organisation and tactics of
the Greek Hoplites
differed in many ways from the Roman legions. The polis of the Greeks is not the same as the American superpower of the 21st century. The
gladiatorial games of the Roman Empire are not
identical to present-day football.
The art of Pompeii is not the art of
Nevertheless, it is possible to follow the evolution and history of the West,
and appreciate its similarities and differences, its borrowings from, and
contributions to, other cultures of humanity.
The ancient Greek conception of science, philosophy, democracy, architecture, literature,
and art provided a foundation embraced and
built upon by the Roman Empire as it swept up Greece in its conquests in the 1st
century BC. For five hundred years, the Roman Empire spread the Greek and Latin languages and Roman law across Europe, although it rejected the
democratic concepts pioneered in ancient Athens. With the rise of Christianity
in the midst of the Roman world, much of Rome's tradition and culture were
absorbed by the new religion, and transformed into something new, which would
serve as the basis for the development of Western civilization after the fall of
Rome. Also, Roman culture mixed with
the pre-existing Celtic, Germanic and Slavic cultures, which slowly became integrated
into Western culture starting, mainly, with their acceptance of
After the fall of Rome much of Greco-Roman art, literature,
science and even technology were lost. Europe fell into political anarchy, with
many warring kingdoms and principalities, and evolved into feudalism. However, much of the basis of the
post-Rome world had been set before the fall of the Empire, mainly through the
integrating and reshaping of Roman ideas through Christian thought. The Greek
and Roman paganism had been completely replaced
by Christianity around the
4th and 5th centuries, since it became the official State religion following the
baptism of emperor Constantine I. Roman Catholic Christianity served
as a unifying force in Western Europe, and in some respects replaced or
competed with the secular authorities. Art and literature, law, education, and
politics were preserved in the teachings of the Church, in an environment that,
otherwise, would have probably seen their loss. The Church
founded many cathedrals, universities, monasteries and seminaries, some of which continue to exist today. In
the Medieval
period, the route to power for many men was in the Church.
The rediscovery of the Justinian
Code in the early 10th century rekindled the West's passion for the
discipline of law. Roman law became the foundation on which all legal concepts
and systems were based, and its influence can be traced to this day in all
Western legal systems (although in different manners and to different extents in
the common (Anglo-American)
and the civil (continental European) legal
traditions). The study of canon
law, the legal system of the Catholic Church, fused with that of Roman law
to form the basis of the refounding of Western legal scholarship. The ideas of
civil rights, equality before the law, equality of women,
justice, and democracy as the
ideal form of society, and were
principles which formed the basis of modern Western culture.
It actively encouraged the spreading of Christianity, which was inexorably linked to the
spread of Western culture. Owing to the influence of Islamic culture and Islamic
civilization — a culture that had preserved some of the knowledge of ancient
Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, Persia, Greece, and Rome, and improved on them
significantly — in Islamic Spain
and southern Italy, and in the
Levant during the Crusades, Western Europeans translated many Arabic texts into Latin
during the Middle Ages. Later, with the fall of Constantinople and the Ottoman
conquest of the Byzantine Empire, followed by a massive exodus of Greek
Christian priests to Italian towns like Venice, bringing with them as many scripts from the
Byzantine archives as they could, scholars' interest for the Greek language and
classic works, topics and lost files was revived. Both the Greek and Arabic
influences eventually led to the beginnings of the Renaissance. From the late 15th century to the 17th
century, Western culture began to spread to other parts of the world by intrepid
explorers and missionaries during the Age of Discovery, followed by imperialists from the 17th
century to the early 20th century. Elements of Western culture have had a very influential role on other
cultures worldwide. People of many cultures, both Western and non-Western,
equate modernization (adoption of technological progress) with
westernization (adoption of Western culture). Some members of the
non-Western world have suggested that the link between technological progress
and certain harmful Western values provides a reason why much of "modernity"
should be rejected as being incompatible with their vision and the values of
their societies.
What is generally uncontested, is that much of the technology and social
patterns which make up what is defined as "modernization" were developed in the
Western world. Whether
these technological and social patterns are intrinsically part of Western
culture, is more difficult to answer. Many would argue that the question cannot
be answered by a response from positivistic science and instead is a "value" question which must be
answered from a value system (e.g. philosophy, religion, political doctrine).
Nonetheless, much of anthropology today has shown the close links between the
physical environment and daily activities and the formation of a culture (the
findings of cultural
ecology, among others). Some cultural and artistic modalities are also characteristically Western in
origin and form. While dance, music, story-telling, and architecture are human
universals, they are expressed in the West in certain characteristic ways.
The symphony has its origins in
Italy. Many important musical instruments used by cultures all over the world
were also developed in the West; among them are the violin, piano, pipe organ, saxophone, trombone, clarinet, and the theremin. The solo piano, symphony orchestra and the string quartet are also
important performing musical forms.
The ballet is a distinctively Western
form of performance dance. The ballroom dance is an important Western variety
of dance for the elite. The polka, the square dance, and the Irish
step dance are very well-known
Western forms of folk
Historically, the main forms of western music are European folk, classical, rock and roll and country.
While epic literary works in verse such as the Mahabarata and Homer's Iliad are ancient and occurred worldwide, the
novel as a distinct form of story telling
only arose in the West (with the possible exception, though isolated, of the
Japanese Tale of Genji, five greats epics of Tamil and
Persian Shahnama) in the period 1200 to 1750. Photography and the motion picture
as a technology and as the basis for entirely new art forms were also developed
first in the West. The soap
opera, a popular culture dramatic form originated in the United States first
on radio in the 1930s, then a couple of decades later on television. The music video was also developed
in the West in the middle of the twentieth century.
The arch, the dome, and the flying buttress as architectural motifs were
first used by the Romans. Important western architectural motifs include the Doric, Corinthian, and Ionic columns, and the Romanesque, Gothic, Baroque, and Victorian
styles are still widely recognised, and used even today, in the West. Much of
Western architecture emphasises repetition of simple motifs, straight lines and
expansive, undecorated planes. A modern ubiquitous architectural form
emphasising this characteristic, first developed in New York and Chicago, is the
Oil painting is said to
have originated by Jan van
Eyck, and perspective drawings and paintings
had their earliest practitioners in Florence. In art, the Celtic knot is a very distinctive Western repeated
motif. Depictions of the nude human male and female in photography, painting and
sculpture are frequently considered to have special artistic merit. Realistic portraiture is especially valued. In
Western dance, music, plays and other arts, the performers are only very
infrequently masked. There are essentially no taboos against depicting God, or
other religious figures, in a representational fashion.
Many forms of popular
music have been derived from African-Americans' folklore and music during 20th and 19th centuries, initially
by themselves, but later played and further developed together with White Americans, British people, and Westerners in general. These
include Jazz, Blues and Rock music (that in wide sense include Rock and roll and Heavy Metal
branches), Rhythm and
blues, Funk, Rap, and also Ska or Reggae in an
African-Caribbean, Jamaican background. Several other related or derived
styles were developed and introduced by western
culture such as Pop, Pop-Rock, Technopop, Dance, Techno or Rave, Nu metal, etc. A feature of Western culture is its focus on science and technology, and its
ability to generate new processes, materials and material artifacts.
It was the West that first developed steam power and adapted its use into
factories, and for the generation of electrical power. The Otto and the Diesel internal combustion
engines are products whose genesis and early development were in the West. Nuclear power stations are
derived from the first atomic pile in Chicago (1942). The electrical dynamo, transformer, electric motor, and
electric light, and indeed most of the familiar electrical appliances, were
inventions of the West.
Communication devices and systems including the telegraph, the telephone,
radio, television, communication and navigation satellites, mobile phone, and the Internet were all invented by
Westerners. The pencil, ballpoint pen, CRT, LCD, LED, photograph, photocopier, laser printer, ink jet printer and plasma display screen
were also invented in the West.
Furthermore, ubiquitous materials including concrete, aluminum, clear glass, synthetic rubber, synthetic diamond and the plastics polyethylene, polypropylene, PVC and polystyrene were invented in the West. Iron and
steel ships, bridges and skyscrapers first appeared in the West. Nitrogen fixation
and petrochemicals were invented by Westerners. Most
of the elements,
as well as the current notion of elements themselves were created in the
The transistor, integrated
circuit, memory chip, and computer were all first seen in the West. The ship's
chronometer, the screw propeller, the locomotive, bicycle, automobile, and aeroplane were all invented in the
West. Eyeglasses, the telescope, the microscope and electron
microscope, all the varieties of chromatography, protein and DNA sequencing, computerised tomography, NMR, x-rays, and light, ultraviolet and infrared
spectroscopy, were all first
developed and applied in Western laboratories, hospitals and factories.
In medicine, vaccination,
anesthesia, MRI, hormonal contraception, and all the pure
were created in the West. The method of preventing Rh disease, the treatment of diabetes, and the germ theory of disease were
discovered by Westerners. The eradication of that ancient scourge, smallpox, was led by a Westerner, Donald Henderson. Radiography, Computed
tomography, Positron emission tomography and
ultrasonography are important diagnostic tools developed in the West. So
were the stethoscope, electrocardiograph, and the endoscope. Vitamins, hormonal
contraception, hormones, insulin, Beta blockers and ACE inhibitors, along
with a host of other medically proven drugs were first utilised to treat disease
in the West. The double-blind study and evidence-based medicine are critical
scientific techniques widely used in the West for medical purposes.
In mathematics, calculus, statistics, logic, vector, tensor and complex analysis, group theory and topology were developed by Westerners. In biology, evolution, chromosomes, DNA, genetics
and the methods of molecular biology are creatures of the West.
In physics, the science of mechanics and quantum mechanics, relativity,
thermodynamics, and statistical
mechanics were all developped by Westerners. The atom, nucleus, electron, neutron and proton were all unveiled by Westerners.
Westerners are also known for their explorations and adventures of the globe
and space. The first expedition to circumnavigate the Earth was by Westerners,
as well as the first to set foot on the South Pole, the first human in space and the first
human to orbit the Earth and the first to land on the moon. The landing of
robots on Mars and on an asteroid, and the Voyager explorations of the outer planets were all
achievements of Westerners. In comparison to many other cultures in the world, western cultures tend to
emphasize the individual.
However, western societies have traditionally been more socially collective, giving a major
importance to social majority traditions or tendencies (such as customs,
protocols, beliefs or fashion), that often tended to be prescripted over
minority or individual ones, especially when hardly divergent, which could often
cause intolerance, prejudices and social exclusion. However, romantic,
democratic ideas, that have had an important, growing impact in late modern
society, have caused an increasing degree of respect and tolerance toward
differences, as well as an important support or expectancy of originality, that
manifests in artistic criteria. Thus, such differences are usually understood as
a matter of diversity, rather than as a source of threat or conflict. This
sometimes even becomes respect for other cultures and interest for them to be
studied and learn from, driving to new Scholastic currents, as well as subcultural and countercultural ones.
Western cultures in modern are often considered to be amongst the most
individualistic cultures in the world. Much of this respect for difference and
individual liberties remain, however, still theoretical, in many ways, among
mainstream society, when the individual factor encounters a strong opposition
from social customs and consensus, and thus resists to be accepted or
understood. This situation, anyways, has tended to change among most progressive
sectors of society, as a consequence of the many social and counter-cultural
movements that the last decades have come to see.
Creativity and the expression of the individual is commonly encouraged. New
subcultures, art, and technology constantly emerge. Furthermore, capitalism
which is found in almost every western country, supports a highly
individualistic ideology.
The forms of government usually adopted in western societies, as a part of a
wider, nowadays ruling social-economical liberal capitalist structure, are multi-party parliamentary
or presidential (also 'congressional') systems, frequently
referred to as figurative democracy, which favors some sort of majority
consensus when coming to adopt collective decisions.
to Geo 102

Prof. Hovgaard