Two Worlds of Christendom: Medieval Europe
The Byzantine East
THEODORIC (500s) After Rome fell, Ostrogothic chieftains had considerable control of local areas. Theodoric was born in Pannonia and in an attempt to make reconciliation with barbarians, was given a title of patrician by Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Emperor Zeno. He was sent to destroy the forces of Odoacer, who brought down the Roman Emperor Romulus Augustalus, and killed Odoacer with his own hand in Ravenna. |
JUSTINIAN (500s) Built Hagia Sophia in Constantinople, elevating it to a "2nd Rome." Put forth the Code of Civil Law. He supported the Blues in the chariot races. |
THEODORA (500s) An exotic dancer, Theodora wooed Justinian and became, like a naughty Cinderella, elevated to royalty. She married her prince, and became Empress of Byzantium, exerting a significant influence on the age. |
BELISARIUS (500s) Byzantine general who was tasked with winning back the lost western territories of the Roman Empire from the barbarian kingdoms that stood on its rump carcass. |
HERACLIUS (600s) A latter day Belisarius, Heraclius had the task of keeping the empire protected from outside forces, first the Sassanian Persians, and then the Arab Muslims. |
LEO III ISAURIAN (700s) Byzantine Emperor who inspired a riot of iconoclasm, whereby all the paintings and other images were taken to village greens and smashed and burned. A century later, Leo's succerssors abandoned the policy.
ST. CYRIL & METHODIUS (800s) Apostle of the Slavs, Cyril and Methodius visited Bulgaria, Moravia, Bohemia and Russia, bringing Christianity's message to those peoples as missionaries. They also taught writing and culture, which is why the Russians write in the "cyrillic" alphabet today. It has definite Greek influences if you look closely. |
BASIL II BULGARSLAYER (1000) The Bulgarians were considered barbarians by the Byzantines, like the Visigoths of the east. Emperor Basil II fought them back. By this time the Theme System was in full effect, military districts with names like Macedonia, Thessalia, Nikapolis, Peloponnesus and Hellas in Greece, Thema Aegeana Pelagu for the islands, Thema Thracia surrounded Constantinople, while in Anatolia there was Thema Bythnia, Armeniacon, Chaldia, Mesopotamia, Lydia, Phyrgia, Galatia, Cappadocia, and Antiochia at the south. Kherson (Chosernos), on the border with Khazaria, was a theme on Crimea. |
***Battle of Dara*** Sides: Byzantines vs. Persians Time: 530 Place: Action: With Casualties: Persians: 8k Consequence: This began 100 years of tiresome border skirmishes between the Byzantines and Persians, over territory of little value. They wore each other down though, enough to make Byzantine conquest of the barbarian kingdoms impossible, and enough to give the Arab armies of the 7th century a great boost. ***Battle of Tricamarum*** Sides: Byzantines vs. Vandals Time: 533 Place: Action: Emperor Justinian sent Belisarius with 92
warships and 500 transports holding 30,000 soldiers (including hired Hun
archers) to take back Italia from the barbarians. They moved against Casualties: unknown Consequence: The first phase of Belisarius’ Reconquista of Italia was won. ***Siege of Sides: Byzantines vs. Ostrogoths Time: 537 Place: Action: Belisarius moved across the Mediterranean to Casualties: unknown Consequence: Belisarius was celebrated as the man who
won back the ***Battle of Taginae*** Sides: Byzantines vs. Ostrogoths Time: 552 Place: Action: Ostrogoth chief Totila had spent a decade
taking Italia back from the Byzantines, and Belisarius was away on the Persian
frontier. Justinian sent Narses down the peninsula to hold Casualties: Ostrogoths: 6k Consequence: After a few more battles, Narses had regained most of Italia for 30 years, until the Lombards took much of it back in the 580s as Byzantium was forced to look east again to Persia. ***Battle of Sides: Byzantines vs. Persians Time: 627 Place: Action: The Byzantines were desperate. They needed a
win. They were battered already, as Chosroes II had already taken from them Casualties: unknown Consequence: This surprise high point reconstituted
the Levant and Anatolia to ***Battle of Yarmuk*** Sides: Byzantines vs. Arabs Time: 636 Place: Sea of Galilee, Action: Having formed an Islamic State in Arabia,
Arabs now undertook the Jihad, Holy War, and erupted from the peninsula,
attacking the Casualties: 70,000 Byzantines, unknown Arabs Consequence: Two years later ***Siege of Sides: Arabs vs. Byzantines Time: 678 Place: Action: The Arab attack laid siege to the Byzantine capital, but the walls held. Casualties: unknown. Consequence: This was the first of five unsuccessful sieges by Islamic forces. Only the last, in 1453, would be successful. But one would prove to be enough. ***Conquest of Hispania*** Sides: Arabs vs. Visigothic Time: 711 Place: Action: Islamic forces conquered all of North Africa,
from Casualties: unknown Consequence: ***Siege of Sides: Arabs vs. Byzantines Time: 717 Place: Action: The Arabs returned after 40 years to try
their hand again at the Byzantine capital. 80,000 soldiers and 1,800 wars
galleys attacked the city amphibiously. Emperor Leo III ordered the Byzantine
navy against the Arab ships, and they unleashed “Greek Fire,” essentially
flamethrower cartridges with a mix of napalm inside. It worked; the Arabs could
not penetrate the Bosporus by sea, and this was key because the city was fed
with grain provisions from around the Casualties: Arabs 160k, Byzantines unknown Consequence: The second siege failed disastrously for the Arabs, who would not return. Later it would be others who would besiege the walls- the Bulgars, Russians and finally the Turks. ***Battle of Covaduga*** Sides: Muslims vs. Visigoths Time: 718 Place: Action: With the Visigothic leaders dead, only the Casualties: unknown Consequence: The victory of Covaduga has taken on a religious status, as the first step in the Spanish Reconquista, which took another 700 years to complete. ***Battle of Pliska*** Sides: Byzantines vs. Bulgars Time: 811 Place: Action: Having been peppered by the Slavs for quite
some time, the Byzantines moved against the Bulgar Khan Krum north of Casualties: unknown Consequence: The Byzantines interacted with the Bulgarians positively in the cultural sphere, when, 40 years after the battle, Cyril and Methodius brought Christian liturgy and writing to them. They had previously learned the Bulgarian language and then moved on to Great Moravia. The Russians would get all this as well, hence use of the ‘Cyrillic’ alphabet. ***Siege of Sides: Muslims vs. Byzantines Time: 831 Place: Action: After 150 years of Byzantine rule on Casualties: unknown Consequence:
***Battle of Kleidion*** Sides: Byzantines vs. Bulgars Time: 1014 Place: Action: Under an aggressive leader Samuel, the
Bulgarians pressed south against Byzantine territory for 30 years, taking Casualties: 14,000 blinded. Consequence: In 1019
In this mosaic, Founder of Constantinople Constantine presents his model of the forthcoming city. Like Alexandria
before, Constantinople was made to be a monumental city, and was the primate city in Europe from 500-1000.
Largest cities in 800:
1) Constantinople (250,000)
2) Cordoba (160,000)
3) Rome (50,000)
4) Seville (35,000)
5) Naples (30,000)
What is left of the Walls of Constantinople, which held for 1,000 years against many seiges
The Hippodrome (hip=horse) of Constantinople was where the chariot races were held, as in
the Circus Maximus in Rome. In inspired others like this to be built in other towns.
Will Raymond James Stadium and Tropicana Field look like this in 1,500 years?
Sketch of the Hippodrome 400 years ago / a race
The site of the old Hippodrome today, now a park, with only the two of the obelisks
remaining to testify to the competition between the demes: Whites, Reds, Greens, and Blues.
During the Nika Riots in 532, the Greens and Blues battled in the streets, for political and sport
reasons. Justinian was about to flee but Theodora refused and Belisarius was ordered to put down
the riot- 30,000 people were killed, many by the state military. On battered and broken ground rose Hagia Sophia.
In 532 Justinian aimed to build in Constantinople the greatest building in the world.
He could do that because according to caesaropapism, he was head of both church and state.
Hagia Sophia's multiple-domes wrapped around a great central dome let in brilliant light, so as to make
it seem on certain days that the whole thing was floating, levitating twords heaven
Hagia Sophia functioned as a church for 900 years, until the conquest of Byzantium by Turks,
who turned it into a Mosque. Looking at the interior today, one can see the Christian art painted over
and Arabic symbols for Allahu Akbar (God is Great) hanging from the ceiling
This painting from a century ago shows a different view of the arches and domes
Justinian's other accomplishment: The Code of Civil Law, based on Roman XXII Tables
When the Byzantines pushed west to reconquer Italy, their base was at Ravenna.
Here they built the church of St. Vitale, in the Orthodox style, in 546
Angels in Heaven from inside Ravenna, and another mosiac with Justinian's beloved Theodora
The Byzantines controlled Eastern Europe south of the Danube, Anatolia, Palestine,
and Egypt to the Libyan desert. The most important cities in the empire were
Constantinople, Adrianopole, Salonika, Trebizond, Antioch, Damascus, Jerusalem and Alexandria.
They sponsored the building of St. Catherine's Monestary, at the foot of Mt. Sinai (550)- it is still there today
To fight the Islamic conquest of Byzantium in the 10th century, "Greek Fire" was developed
for Byzantine navy vessels- essentially a flamethrower when ships were made of wood
BOETHIUS (500s) He was a historian. |
ST. JOHN OF DAMASCUS (600s) Orthodox church father. The thing about Orthodoxy was that the emperor was both supreme head of state and church, so there was no separation between the two. |
STS CYRIL AND METHODIUS (800s) They left on many missions, first to the Abbasid Caliphate to discuss the Trinity and make peace, unsuccessfully, then to the Khazar Kaganate to stop the spread of Judaism there. They failed in that too, when the Kagan (king) ordered all his subjects to convert to Judaism, interestingly enough. Then they succeeded on a mission to the Slavs. They stopped in Bulgaria and Great Moravia, teaching the liturgy and translating the Bible into Old Church Slavonic. They taught the cyrillic alphabet, used in Bulgaria and Russia today. |
Here at Chersonesus on Crimea near Sevastopol, Cyril and Methodius discussed relations with
the Kagan of the Jewish Khazar Empire, which was spreading into Byzantine territory.
They went to the Bulgarian capital of Preslav Vhod, shown here,
then to Great Moravia and other places
Parade in Russia honoring Cyril and Methodius
L: Most medieval art in painting was 2 dimensionial and had Christian themes.
This is the Annunciation (when an angel told Mary that she was "with child" by a divine hand)
R: The Presentation of Jesus at the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem, as an infant
L: Most famous of all Russian icons, Our Lady of Vladimir
R: Russian Icon of Jesus with a Bible
L: Madonna with child, Byzantine icon damaged in a battle in Poland in the 1400s against Hussite raiders
R: Modern uncovering of Byzantine images painted over in Hagia Sophia- Jesus mosiac
L: The Crucifixion icon
R: Icon of the Transfiguration
L: The icon of the death of Mary. She is being welcomed into heaven by Jesus
R: Original Santa Claus: icon of St. Nicholas, who gave to children
Angels and saints- L: Michael the Archangel battling the forces of evil
R: St. George fighting the dragon (a serpent, symbol of Satan)
n.b.: the English would later make the cross of St. George their flag
Iconoclasm: "image breaking" - is really opposition to images of inanimate representation
that can or have been worshipped in place of thoughts - Leo III Isaurian forbad icons in the 8th century
7 instances to know
1) Muslim iconoclasm - 6th century on
2) Byzantine iconoclasm - 8th century
3) Protestant iconoclasm - 16th century on
4) Easter Island - 18th century
5) French Revolutionary - 18th century
6) Communist societies - 20th century
7) Serbia-Kosovo today
II: The Carolingian West
CLOVIS I MEROVINGIAN - 500s First king of the Franks, Clovis converted to Christianity and laid the foundation of the French kingdom. |
KING ARTHUR - 500s King of England, at least part of it, possibly, because Arthur may be legendary. As a story of Camelot and the Round Table, however, Arthur plays center stage as a mighty influence on English thoughts about fairness, justice and law. Real or not, Arthur is among us. |
CHARLES MARTEL - 700s This Frankish knight led the resistance to the Islamic invasion of France in 732 at the Battle of Tours. |
____________________ St. Augustine
of Hippo saw the Roman world crumbling around him. In 415, barbarians were
everywhere; they even burned his town and its church down. He wrote a book, Civitas Dei, in which he comforted
people by reminding them reality consists of two ‘worlds,’ not one- the
heavenly City of Boethius
was a Roman philosopher who lived in 525, at a time when the Ostrogoths ruled Avicenna,
speaking of souls, was Persian but wrote in Arabic and lived in St. Anslem in 1077, who would later become Archbishop of Canterbury, always knew Christians had faith in the existence of God. But he wanted to prove it using rational argument too, with logic. He imagines himself discussing the following: Anselm: “Do you agree that if God existed he would be the greatest thing that there could be, that than which nothing greater can be thought?” Fool: Yes. Anselm: And do you agree that ‘that than which nothing greater can be thought’ exists in your mind?” Fool: Yes, in my mind- but not in reality. Anselm: But would you agree that something that exists in reality as well as in the mind is greater than something that exists in the mind alone?” Fool: Yes, I suppose so- an ice cream in my hand is better than one that’s just in my imagination. Anselm: “So if ‘that than which nothing greater can be thought’ exists only in the mind, it is less great than if it existed also in reality?” Fool: That’s true. The being that really exists would be greater. Anselm: “So now you are saying that there is something greater than ‘that than which nothing greater exists’?” Fool: That doesn’t even make sense. Anselm: “Exactly. And the only way around this contradiction is to admit that God (that than which nothing greater exists), does exist- both in thought and reality.” Q: Do you agree with Anselm’s ontological argument? Averroes in 1186 lived in Al-Andalus as a qadi (Islamic judge). He read Aristotle and applied his philosophy to Islam. If Muslims accept that the Quran is true, but parts of it are demonstrably false, the text must be a poetic truth and must be interpreted using philosophical reasoning. This he argued meant philosophy and Islam are not incompatible. He argued humans do not have immortal souls, but humanity is immortal through a shared intellect, which may last forever, but you and I will perish when our bodies die. Q: Do you think most Muslims viewed Averroes with admiration or with suspicion? Why? Moses Maimonides in 1190 thought we anthropomorphize God too much- give him human traits when he is far beyond us. Do not take the Torah (Old Testament) as literal truth and think God is even a corporeal thing. Maimonides used negative theology to argue what God is by arguing what he is not. First of all he has no attributes. He is not good or powerful. This is because an attribute is either accidental or essential. If you are sitting, have long brown hair and a long nose, those are accidental attributes. You would still be “you” essentially if you were standing, had red hair and a small nose. Being human, a rational moral animal, is what you are essentially. God has no such accidental attributes. What about essence? Essential attributes define, but Maimonides argued God is undefinable. Ergo, God has no attributes at all. We can say “God is a creator,” because this states what God does, rather than a thing that God is. We cannot say what he is. Q: Do you agree? Thomas Aquinas in 1291 wondered if the universe had always existed, or if it had been created at a certain point in time. He combined classical philosophy and Christianity into scholasticism, the idea that Christians have a duty to study nature with science and observation because God is happy when they do, because they are studying his great Creation. Aquinas read Aristotle, who argued the universe always existed, was eternal, and had always been changing and moving. Movement and change do not come from nowhere, and there was never a time without motion. Thus, there is no First Cause, like Plato thought and as Christians would also hold to be true 400 years later, as they read in Genesis 1:1 that God created the universe from nothing. Aristotle was simply wrong, based on their faith in the Bible. But could Aquinas prove it by applying reason? He knew Aristotle said the infinite is what has no limit, like an infinity of numbers has no limit because there is always the possibility of adding “1” to each new highest number. But he said actual infinity is impossible. However, Aquinas recalled that Christians believe human souls are immortal, and live on when the body dies. So there may be an actual infinity of souls. In the battle of Aristotle vs. the Bible, both win. The world did have a beginning, but God created it in such a way that it existed eternally. God could have made the universe without humans, and then made them. |
Medieval Europe was disconnected for 300 years until Charlemagne
built the Carolingian Empire in the west, to match the Byzantines in the east
As the barbarians ranged over the land, Christians
clung to outposts like this, off the coast of Ireland
Here are their huts, look for the cross in white on the left one
Compared to the homes of the Romans, with their interior gardens and
spacious rooms, we see how the Dark Ages saw a decline in standard of living
The Baptistry of St. Jean at Poitiers in France is a crude construction but comes from a time when, for 300 years,
you could count the number of stone buildings built in Europe on one hand. It dates from the 600s and
would have been there as an eyewitness when Charles Martel fought back the Moors.
By the 800s stone buildings were being made again, like this at Iona in Scotland
Coronation of Charlemagne by Pope Leo on Christmas Day, 800 A.D. In this act, the Holy Roman Empire
was born. It would last throughout the centuries to modern times, becoming what we now call Germany
Aachen Cathedral- coronation place for 30 German kings
Charlemagne's tomb and shrine, in Aachen Cathedral, he was given this eulegy:
"Charlemagne was able to offer the cultureless and, I might say, almost completely unenlightened territory of the realm
which God had entrusted to him, a new enthusiasm for all human knowledge. In its earlier state of barbarousness,
his kingdom had been hardly touched at all by any such zeal, but now it opened its eyes to God's illumination."
The city hall of Aachen, also known as Charlemagne's palace
Illuminated Manuscripts (books) and Metalworks
Dark Age people prized gold and other precious metals and things because they had no other stable thing in life
The most precious things were books. The cover of this one is studded with jewels
They were called Illuminated Manuscripts Illuminated because it seemed light was
coming from them, and manuscripts because they were all one of a kind
The books of the middle ages were more detailed in their decoration than any in history
Over 1000 years old, the Cross of Lothar is one of the most prized objects still with us
from the distant past. The front (left) is studded with jewels and has a ivory and amber profile of
Augustus, the back has a simple stenciling of the crucifixion
Relations with the Middle East: Muslims and Christians dealt with each other violently during the Middle Ages,
but here is a peaceful expedition by diplomats sent by Charlemagne to the Abbasid court of Harun al-Rashid
who gave Charlemagne a present- an elephant- and to this day the Arab word for European is Frang (Frank)
and the Chinese word, because the Arabs diffused it to them, is Furangi, and the Thai word is Farang.
Recall that Charlemagne's grandfather Charles Martel fought at Tours
Important Church Officials
ST. BENEDICT - 500s Founder of Western monasticism, Benedict's Rule guided the faithful. It extolled the virtues of simplicity, authorizing monks and nuns to give up worldly things, and work on behalf of Christ. Live celibate lives, live communally, take vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience to sing, pray, study, work and eat. It became the forum in which great spirits could join together. |
POPE GREGORY I - 500s Gregory the Great faced down the pagan Germanic Lombards. He saved Rome and the church, and reformed music into plainsong, or Gregorian Chant, whereby he established the path of modern music in the classical tradition. Regarding power, when bishops acted as though they were supreme within their own dioceses, Gregory made them remember papal authority. He emphasized the sacrament of penance, which helped people confess their sins to the parish priest, so atonement would be possible. |
ST. BONIFACE - 700s Apostle to the Germans, Boniface brought Christianity and Roman learning to Central Europe |
ALCIUN - 800s |
POPE LEO III - 800s Crowned Charlemagne Holy Roman Emperor, in an attempt to bring back the majestic name of Rome to the West, and also to keep his blessing as pope as a requirement for any legitimate king to have to rule. |
ST. VACLAV - 900s Good King Wenceslas from the Christmas carol. |
ST. WOJCIECH - 900s Apostle of the Poles, Wojciech (Adalbert) helped show the superiority of Christian morality to the Poles. |
The monestary at Monte Cassino, Central Italy. It was established by St. Benedict as a model for others.
It was rebuilt after being destroyed in WWII, a battle after which Allied soldiers fought their way through to Rome.
Popular Christianity: The 7 Sacraments
(And 7 Virtues and 7 Vices)
7 Sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist (Communion), Penance, Matrimony/Holy Orders, Last Rites
MEDIEVAL BATTLES ***Battle of Vouville*** Sides: Franks vs. Visigoths Time: 507 Place: Poitiers, France Action: In this battle, the Frankish chieftain Clovis put a capstone on his career of being the first Frankish ruler to extend his territory to significant size. He had defeated chieftains like Syagrius in the northwest Gaul, and the Alamanni. He converted to Christianity and moved across the Loire river into a Visigothic kingdom which practiced Arianism, and met Alaric II on the battlefield, slaying him and vanquishing the opposition. He next moved on Toulouse, the Visigothic stronghold, and took that as well. Casualties: unknown Consequence: Clovis is considered the first King of the Franks. ***Battle of Tours*** Sides: Franks vs. Muslims Time: 732 Place: Tours, France Action: The Islamic armies were seemingly invincible. Abd ar-Rahman was governor of the Caliphate in Spain, since it had been conquered 20 years earlier by Arab armies. Now he moved through the Pyrenees and into the Aquitaine. The local duke fled north to Austrasia, and was followed in haste to the Christian shrine of St. Martin at Tours. The governor of Austrasia, however, was Charles Martel. He decided to meet the 50,000 strong Islamic force outside the town and engage it. In the clash, the Christians formed a compact unit fighting hand-to-hand, wielding swords and spears against the Arab cavalry. The Franks summoned an extra burst of energy and one killed the Arab commander. The Muslims were on the run. Casualties: unknown Consequence: This battle is seen as one of the most pivotal in all history, by Harvard Professor Edward Creasy, because had the Muslims won, no other force would likely have stopped them from converting the Franks to Islam. Charles Martel got the nickname The Hammer of God, and France became champion of Christendom. ***Battles of Saxony*** Sides: Franks vs. Saxons Time: 772 Place: Saxony and Westphalia, Germany Action: In expanding the Carolingian Empire east, Charlemagne, grandson of Charles Martel and the greatest power of the Dark Ages, moved against the Saxon Germans. Widukind put forth a strong defense, but the Franks were the better, and Widukind became baptized into Christianity. Charlemagne now trusted him and honored him with a title in the feudal way. Casualties: unknown Consequence: The Germans adopt Christianity, and Charlemagne defeats the Lombards in Northern Italy, the Slavs and Avars. He set up good supply lines to keep his men provisioned, and set up permanent garrisons on the frontiers underneath him. ***Battle of Roncesvalles*** Sides: Franks vs. Basques Time: 778 Place: Pyrenees, northern Spain Action: Having expanded and solidified the East, Charlemagne turned west towards the Caliphate of Cordoba. The Islamic forces rallied and blocked his way, a kind of counterattack for 60 years earlier. An ambush by the Basques had repercussions in literature, because one of the people they had slain was Roland, of Song of Roland fame, the first book in the French vernacular language, where we are introduced to medieval jousting and spear play. Casualties: unknown Consequence: In 800 on Christmas Day, Charlemage was crowned by the pope Holy Roman Emperor. ***Raid of Lindisfarne*** Sides: Vikings vs. Anglo-Saxons Time: 793 Place: Near Newcastle Action: The Vikings came from the north to pillage the British Isles. Alcuin said of them, “It is 350 years that we and our forefathers have inhabited this most lovely land, and never before has such terror appeared as we have now suffered from a pagan race.” He meant the Scandinavian warriors who shocked the land of the Angles, Saxons and Jutes, who were relatively insulated from outside attacks. Lindisfarne monastery was in their view right on the coast. They sacked it, killed some and kidnapped others. They took all the valuables and then left, returning repeatedly from the 830s on. Casualties: unknown Consequence: After sailing up the Seine and Loire in the 9th century and raiding Paris and other settlements (King Charles the Bald bought them off with 7,000 pounds of silver), the Vikings began to winter in France and thought about staying instead of just plundering. ***Raid of Constantinople*** Sides: Vikings vs. Byzantines Time: 860 Place: Constantinople Action: Having sailed into Kievan Rus territory, the Rus were divided into tribes. After a time they asked the Vikings to stay on and be their rulers. The first Russian kings, therefore, were Vikings- Rurik the Varangian being the first. The Rus told their rulers of a great city to the south, and a raid was mounted. Without warning, a fleet of 200 Viking ships like the famous Oseberg ship holding 30 oarsmen, moved to the Bosporus pillaging every town and monetary before anchoring opposite Constantinople. Instead of attacking the walls, however, they just plundered the neighborhood and took off. Casualties: unknown Consequence: The Vikings would return in the 9th and 10th centuries, and some would be hired by the Byzantine emperor as a personal bodyguard akin to the Secret Service that guards the US president or the Swiss Guard that protects the pope. ***Raid of Eddington*** Sides: Vikings vs. Anglo-Saxons Time: 878 Place: Wessex, Southern Britain Action: Having attacked England and taken Northumbria, Mercia and East Anglia, the Danish Vikings attacked the remaining Anglo-Saxon kingdom at Wessex. They went right for its ruler, Alfred, who had to flee with his guardsmen, and he set up an alternative base of operations. To the surprise of all, a large number of Angles and Saxons rallied to his standard, and he marched on the Vikings at Chippenham. Partway there at Eddington, the armies met. Alfred led his men to fight “fiercely with a compact shield wall against the entire enemy Viking army until it was destroyed with great slaughter.” Casualties: 5,000 Vikings, 5,000 Anglo-Saxons Consequence: Alfred became known as Alfred the Great and England was divided into an Anglo-Saxon area and an area under Viking Danelaw. ***Raid of Paris*** Sides: Vikings vs. Franks Time: 886 Place: Paris Action: Sailing up the River Seine in 700 ships, despite the Franks having built forts and bridges to block their way, the Vikings penetrated inland and reached Paris, which they laid siege to. Kenneth Clark said “to a family in a hut along the river, the prow of the Viking ship would have seemed as menacing to her civilization as the periscope of a nuclear submarine.” Count Odo and Bishop Gozelin of the Franks defended Paris, using stone-throwing catapults. The Vikings terrorized the neighborhood but did not break through the walls- as at Constantinople. Henri, Duke of Saxony arrived with a relief army that was turned back, and later Emperor of the Franks Charles III le Gros (Charles the Fat) brought a bigger army, which did not fight the Vikings but paid them to leave. Casualties: unknown Consequence: Charles pulled a political card, allowing the Vikings, as part of the buy off, pillage Burgundy (which refused to acknowledge his sovereignty). Now they would see how much they needed him! ***Battle of Lechfield*** Sides: Germans vs. Magyars Time: 955 Place: Bavaria Action: The Magyars (Hungarians) arrived from Central Asia and attacked the Carolingian territories. They made over 30 successful raids with light cavalry tactics. Finally, they laid siege to Augsburg but Otto I the Great, King of the Germans, led 10,000 to save the city. The Magyars faced the odds because of their greater mobility, and parried the German attack. When they moved into the German camp to plunder it, Otto turned his forces back on them with greater speed than the Magyars had anticipated. Now, they kept charging despite Magyar arrows, and pulverized them head on until they drove them from the field. Casualties: unknown Consequence: There were no more Magyar raids, and this victory confirmed Otto’s supremacy. They settled on the plains of Pannonia, which became Hungary, and became a Christian nation in 1000. ***Raid of Maldon*** Sides: Vikings vs. Anglo-Saxons Time: 991 Place: Essex Action: After a century of quiet, during which Alfred the Great’s descendants steadily took Danelaw territory as their own, unifying the realm, the Vikings were back, this time under the future king of Norway, Olaf. Now coastal villages were pillaged again, including Maldon, which was defended by the Earl of Essex, Byrhtnoth, and his personal retainers. Olaf was disadvantaged by geography and asked for a bigger field on which to fight, and he was granted it. The Earl was speared in the battle and the retainers fought to the last man around his body. Casualties: unknown Consequence: The raids continued. ***Raid of Clontarf*** Sides: Vikings vs. Irish Time: 1014 Place: Near Dublin Action: As they helped the Rus establish Kiev, the Vikings helped the Irish Celts establish Dublin in the 9th century. Like in Russia, the Irish tribes competed for power against each other, and the Vikings were probably seen as both blessing and curse. One Irish chieftain, Brian Boru, claimed rule over all the country. But Mael Morda challenged that claim, and allied himself with the Vikings at their trading post. Brian also hired some (other) Vikings, and prepared to attack Dublin. Hearing about this raid, the Dublin Vikings moved on Brian at Clontarf and faced off against Brian’s army without Brian, because he was observing Good Friday. Amazingly, Brian’s Vikings led the way to victory against the Dubliners, and disemboweled them until they were no longer a threat, but also strangely, Brian was killed in his camp by retreating Vikings who went through it. Casualties: 3,000 of Brian’s, 6,000 Dubliners Consequence: The Vikings settled among the population and ceased being an independent force in Ireland. ***Battle of Ashington*** Sides: Danes vs. Anglo-Saxons Time: 1016 Place: Essex Action: Danish king Sven Forkbeard attacked England 25 years after Maldon, and he drove Aethelred II of England into exile, but then died. Aethelred returned to the throne but then died himself in a battle at against Sven’s son Canute the Great, who assumed control of his father’s army. Now Aethelred’s son Edmund Ironside led his father’s army against Canute in a final showdown at Ashington. There Edmund’s Mercian contingent fled the field, and this broke the battle line. Canute cut down large numbers of Edmund’s men, destroying much of the nobility of England, according to sources. Casualties: unknown Consequence: A month later Edmund died, and Canute was sole ruler of all England. |
Vikings and Russians (and Magyars)
Along with Islam, three invading forces against Christendom - until all three convert
Magyars are the Hungarians - they invaded Christendom in the 10th century but were
repulsed and they settled on the plains of Pannonia, where they live still today
ERIK THE RED - 900s Viking explorer who went to |
LEIF ERIKSSON - 1000s Viking explorer who led an expedition, according to the saga, to Vinland, thought now to be the coast of North America |
This is how Scandinavian stamps show Viking life- peaceful- note the ship in the background
This is Viking life in the popular imagination- always focused on combat- which perception is right? Probably both.
Nordic gods Odin (Wotan) and Freya (Frija), for whom Wednesday and Friday, respectively, are named
Odin discussing things with girls healing a horse- the theme of feminine intuition in healing runs through Norse mythology.
According to Jacob Grimm of the Brothers Grimm, a master fairytale maker himself: "The gods share their power and influence
with goddesses, the heroes and priests with wise women." Grimm notes that Saga and Odin "drink immortality out of golden cups,"
and that goddesses in Norse mythology were, like Greek goddesses and the muses, "schöpferins" (shapers of destiny).
Viking inscriptions- a rune stone and Loki god of fire
Vikings believed their gods were watching them, and that if they were brave-
if they died in battle- they would cross the Rainbow Bridge, to Valhalla
Did the Vikings discover America? This Viking longship was sailed and rowed across the Atlantic,
in 1893, from Europe to America. So yeah, they could do it.
Early Medieval Literature
Bishop Gregory of Tours 500s A History of the Franks |
The early medieval history, 'In 10 Books', of how the Roman province of Gaul became the Kingdom of the Franks. After summarizing the history of the world from the creation through the flood and the rest of the Biblical account, Bishop Gregory recounts the modern events of the 6th Century. The world of the Nibelungenleid and Beowulf was one of widespread superstition- as well as Christian piety. The kingdom of the Devil was real- Hell was real and people were going there. And this makes the book lively, all in the words of a scholarly bishop in France, 1,500 years ago. |
The Venerable Bede 700s A History of the English People |
A journey into early Medieval England, not long after King Arthur's time, written by a pious monk named Bede who surivived a terrible plague and spent an astounding life of learning and reconcilliation in a Monestary. He had access to the rarest (many one of a kind) books in an abbey library, and distills all of them in his old age, in this book. It is a book of kings, priests, and medieval life in general. He earned much respect and the title 'The Venerable.' He invented our chronological notation (BC /AD). Mixed with Roman Britannia and the Anglo-Saxon invasions, are accounts of the holy relics and the miracles they produced. |
Traditional Scandinavian / English 700s Beowulf |
This is the oldest book in a 'modern' European language, as opposed to Greek and Latin. It is an epic poem full of the heroes and monsters of the feudal imagination. Its astounding beauty and artistic style have kept the book popular for over a thousand years. Beowulf battles against the offspring of Cain born in Hell and come to Earth 'Little Nicky style' as a demon- but unlike Little Nicky, is really out to destroy us. Though an epic poem, it reads like a short story more than a poem. |
Traditional French 800s Song of Roland |
The battle in this story took place in the late 700s when Saracens (Muslims) attacked Charlemagne's rearguard army of Christian French soldiers- under the command of Roland. Charlemagne would later take revenge on the attackers. While the events in the epic are true, the tone and character of this book (the first in the French language) make it one of the most valuable medieval source documents in the world. Early medieval chivalry, feudalism and courtship are depicted here as well as the keynote struggle of Christian vs. Muslim near the Pyranees Mountains between France and Spain. Here also we see the real Charlemagne, the most famous name of early Medieval times. |
Traditional Spanish 1100s El Cid |
Epic Poem. This first book in Spanish language contains what today's readers would find to be the most rank stereotypes, but what for the Spain of 900 years ago, was perfectly normal. Conniving Muslims (who conquered Spain in the early 700s), moneylending Jews, foolish French administrators of Barcelona (a feudal holding of a French Count at the time) and gallant Spanish Christian knights. Its a story about justice and humor, glorious battle and ultimate victory for the side of right. |
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